chapter 1 : Whos there?

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As i looked in the myself in the mirror i noticed i looked a little different today,i had no idea what was going through my mind then my hand slowly moved across my stubly face as i thought and i figured it out.I needed to shave. A LOT.

As i slowly walked away from the mirror i noticed something in the corner of my eye only very slight almost gone unnoticed, as i turned around to face my full room length mirror i noticed there i waa still standing in the centre of the room where i waa before i started moving to the bathroom.It was as if someone left a wax figure in the middle of the room.

As i turned to look at where i was once standing in the room and not the mirror i got terrified to turn my head as i thoguht something bad was going to happen if i even blinked. I had this sick feeling in my stomach , like when the people turned around in horror movies and the person waa there.As i slowly turned around and looked at the room nothing was there, my eyes quickly searched over the whole room looking for something, anything.But befote i turned back to look at myself in the mirror my heart started beating so fast in my chest as it had before i turned around.

As i turned back towards the mirror my reflection was back at where i was standing right then. I was more scared now than ever mostly because everytime i moved the mirror version of myself did the opposite of everything i was doing.

If i moved my left arm the mirror version of me would lift up their left arm from my perspective but the mirror always moved their arms the same way just opposing.

I turned my head for a split second before looking nack at the mirror version of me. Staring blankly at each other for what felt like days but only seconds before it moved closer to me.

It was whispering something to me it was like i was deaf and i couodnt hear anything but it slowly got louder everytime its mouth moved .

"Ive been watching you in here for years,youve never yet noticed me , but only noe do i realise that im just the another version of you, but only realer , only less afraid of whats behind closed doors , but only all this time ive always been the exact same as you, the exact same"

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