Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Sometimes the evilest of creatures, are the most confused and sad souls."

Wendy's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark and shallow room. Hearing faint boy's voices coming from outside my door. I gruntly got off the bed and walked towards the door, leading to the light. I saw ten, twenty boy's dancing with their instruments. Even though they were playing their guitars, I could not hear anything.

"Where am I?" I spoke just above a whisper, "Why am I here?"

All the boys stopped playing their instruments and looked at me with their dead eyes. They were all about sixteen-seventeen. "Wendy Darling is your name, correct?" One of the boys with brown haired questioned. I nodded, "Yes."

"Pan's been waiting for you to wake up for days. You've been asleep for two days, quite a long time. But since you're a girl you might've been more sleepy."

"What does me being a girl have to do with anything?" I sassily questioned, "And what's Neverland?"

"A place where dreams come to reality." A faint voice spoke in the distance. I looked behind me to see a boy with brown hair and a green outfit on. He had a plastered smirk on his face, and his eyebrows moved as he spoke.

"So excited you're finally awake. The fun finally starts, right boys?" He shouted, the boys yelled in eager and excitement, which made me step back. "Take me home."

"Home?" Peter said as he stepped a couple feet towards me and smiled, "No one leaves this island without my permission."

"Who are you?" I questioned, "And why did you kidnap me from my home?"

The strange boy got an inch away from my face and smiled, "Did I forget to introduce myself?" He smirked, "I'm Peter. Peterpan."

"Well Peter pan, why am I here?"  I questioned. "I have never meet you in my life."

"You're here because of a gamble your father made a couple years back when you were just a young little girl who couldn't even count. He made a bet with me, and he lost. I got you, and he lost you. It's the game."

"Gambling with people isn't a game. You're a sick terrible person." I spoke as I looked at him, with confidence in my eyes, "And may I say Peter Pan, go to hell."

Peter grabbed my neck and threw me against a tree, he was most definitely angry at me. I grunted as I held my head, no bleeding thank god. 

"You better stop that pretty mouth of yours, or you will get killed." He said as he backed away from me. I smirked, "Is that a threat Pan?" 

"By god it is." He harshly spoke back, "Now Wendy. Let's take you to your cage."

"A cage?" I almost yelled, "I am not a animal, nor a piece of property!"

"Ooh, but Wendy that's when you're wrong. You're mine, my property." He harshly spoke, as his eyebrows moved with his voice. "You're not putting me in a cage, I'd rather be dead!"

Peter walked back to me and grabbed a piece of my dress toughly as he moved me as he walked. 

"Slow down,"I spoke as he threw me onto the ground next to a cage, made with metal. I looked at it and looked back at Peter.

"Go on." He demanded, "Or do I have to throw you in it?"  My eyes watered a bit, but I didn't let a tear fall down my face. I quickly got up and ran past Peter and deeply into the woods. I made it for atleast five minutes, but Peter caught up. He flyed over to me which really amazed me. 

"You have fire, I like fire." He smirked as he grabbed my shoulder and flew us across back over to the cage, "But for now, you need to stay in this cage, and calm down."

I faked a laugh in sarcasm, "How on earth could I possibly calm down?", I looked at him who sighed and took a hold of my dress and carried me over back to my cage, then shoved me into the quite large cage.

"Just stay in there, I mean it's not like you can escape." He chuckles then gets on his knee's. "See you later babe."

I shoved myself to the back of the cage and looked around my surroundings. Tree's and tree's. I could still faintly still hear the laughs of the boys in the distance. 

I was going to escape Neverland. I was going to win against Pan. 

And nothing was going to stop me.


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