Chapter One

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The wind sang gently through the flicking ears of a still feline, golden blades of grass tickling along his flanks and legs as the cat picked their way through the fields. It was early morning, the cold dawn sun just beginning to flicker over the horizon and release it's milky rays over the sleeping world.

"It's too early to be hunting, Little." The complaint reached Little's ears, and the tom paused in his tracks to look over his shoulder. The soft voice belonged to a much smaller, round-bellied silver-furred she-cat, who look more so irritated with the tom than anything.

"Puddle, the prey is always more active towards dawn." Little explained gently, with a good humored purr, "Besides, you need all the mice you can get. You have all those little mouths to feed." For a heartbeat, Little leaned down, gingerly nuzzling his head against Puddle's kit-heavy belly.

Puddle sighed quietly, giving Little's ears a few gentle licks of her tongue, "Dear, there are plenty of mice in the barn. There is no need to leave the safety of our home to hunt." She explained, tail flicking once. "And don't even tell me it's because you want something other than mice for once, Little. You know better than to lie to me." Little huffed, but the tom didn't miss the glint of warning in her eyes. He backed down politely, offering a purr.

"I just thought a nice walk would be delightful, Pud." Little murmured, his nose brushing over her forehead affectionately. "Besides," he suggested, "I wouldn't want to leave our home in the middle of the day." The tom explained, licking his chestnut chest for a moment before slowly letting his gaze drift across the tranquil field.

The she-cat only lifted an eyebrow to her sturdy mate, her eyes softly narrowing, before the silver feline let out a quiet sigh. "Little, I understand that you want these kits to be healthy, but honey, realize I can barely walk at this point." Her blue orbitals softened gingerly towards the brown tabby, "You have nothing to worry about, Little. Fern and Holly are also in the barn. I'm sure they wouldn't let anything happen."

Puddle stepped to brush herself under Little's chin, purring softly at him, "Come on. We've already walked far enough, you can hunt for your outside mice on the walk back." Her eyes glittered softly, and she gently brushed her tail over Little's ears before pivoting on her paws and turning back to the barn, looming in the distance.

Little surrendered with a quiet chuckle, "Alright, alright, I'm coming." He purred roughly, casting the trees dappling the edge of the outer fencing a glance. The tom's whiskers trembled, and he himself turned to glance at the retreating backside of Puddle. The tabby lowered his head with a sharp exhale, pushing himself to follow after her. For heartbeats, he did not listen to the world awakening around him. He did not acknowledge the morning bird-song, or that wind offering a gentle good morning.


Little's thoughts had not been with him presently; they had wandered to the ends of the farmland, greatly curious about the life beyond the wooden fence. He could almost taste the damp forest air, Little stuttering in his stride for moment as he reminisced in the world he had created. All around him, life buzzed. From the smallest ant, to the largest bird, to fluttering leaves and sprouting flowers. Everything around him lived, and everything around him beamed with content at how they were living.


Puddle's screech pulled Little back to reality, and the tabby hissed loudly as he dug his claws into the ground. If it weren't for that mate of his, he was sure to be crowfood. He had forgotten about the large monsters that ate the grassy fields. He had just narrowly avoided becoming it's dinner.

"What were you thinking, Little?!" His eyes slid consciously towards a puffed up Puddle, eyes wide with fear, pupils dilated and glinting. "What was so mind boggling that it almost caused you to get killed?!" She's furious...Little flushed nervously, "Pud...Pud, I'm sorry. Really, I am. I don't know what got i—" The brown tom gulped, inhaling air sharply as he felt Puddle collide into him, her face pressing into his chest.

"Little...everyday you seem so distant..." she hissed softly into his lighter chest, her voice distraught, "What's so important to you that makes you lose touch with reality?" Little felt a rush of guilt fill his chest, and he let out a choked mrow, "Pud, I didn't mean to scare you." He whispered, wrapping his tail slowly and carefully around her trembling frame.

"I'm so sorry.."


I'm sorry this is so short! c: Anyway, this is the first chapter of my series! Please enjoy! ~Ticci

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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