Chapter Four - Leaving

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Author's note: (I hope you enjoy this story as much as I am writing it!)

*Chapter Four - Leaving*

*A few days later... *

Lucy had enough of what was happening with her life. Being continuously abused by Julia and Natsu, stared with merciful and pitiful looks from the guild and being treated like a baby. So up with her courage one day she went to the guild and marched up to the office. Suddenly a voice could be heard.

"Lucy are you alright," asked a certain blue haired girl who loved books and a water mage.

"I'm fine Levi, Juvia... I just need to be somewhere else..." She said while still walking to the stairs to the office

"Ah Juvia san knows what to do! A girls night will fix this"

"Yeah come on Lucy I got a new book for us to read," Levi said while grabbing her arm stopping her. Then Lucy pulled her arm back and continued walking.

"I said I'm fine... So just leave me be," She said emotionless as entered the door. They stared at her again with the sad looks.

*Master's Office*

"Lucy what brings you here dear?" Thinking of the words to say Lucy said this

"I want to leave the guild master..." She stated without emotion. Master was shocked at this and began to wheep.

"Oh Lucy, our dear Lucy..." He wept. Lucy felt bad and began apoligizing.

"No Master please this is my decision and please accept this request. I can't stay the Fairy Tail's biggest disappointment forever so I need to leave. It will be better for you and for me so please." Makarov nodded softly and began a spell to remove her mark.

"Thank you master... I'll promise I'll never forget about you. And one last request?" she asked

"Yes what... would that be?"

"I want you to not say to this to anyone. And if you can, erase the records that I ever came here..." Makarov in disbelief grieved and stared at the girl. She had eyes of determination and plead so he did. As he nodded, Lucy smiled and was about to leave.

"Thank you master... I will never forget about you..."

"Yes thank you Lucy for being my child... and I'm completely sorry for what's happened..."

*Train Station*

As soon as Lucy was packed and ready to go, with the help of Virgo and Leo she quickly went to the train station.

"Thank you two for helping me," She bowed

"No worries princess, any time when you are in need," Virgo said as she disappeared.

"If you ever need any help, just know that your spirits are here," Leo exclaimed while he also went back to the spirit realm. Lucy smiled and sighed as they were gone. Her train was going to arrive at any second. Then a certain train with a beaten up group departed.

"Julia are you okay," Natsu asked her girlfriend while lifting her stuff, while also being scartched, bruised and bleeding with a wound being covered by a poorly tied bandage from Julia.

"Natsu what do you think! I'm covered in much! If only your friends could have acted quicker maybe I would be alright!" She yelled causing public eyes. "You there blue hair, help me with this!" She yelled to Wendy and Charla when they were trying to heal Natsu. They were both fatigue from magic and wanted rest.

"NOW!!!" She yelled then they scurried towards her.

"Oh hell no, that bitch isn't going to harm Wendy," Gray said going towards them.

"Gray no!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Not this again," Erza sighed being mentally beaten. All of them went and started fighting again except Happy who spotted Lucy trying to hide from them. He quietly snuck out and greeted her.

"Lushyyyy!" He exclaimed hugging her leg. However Lucy started to frown and became heartbroken.

"Shouldn't you be with the group?" She coldly asked. Happy cried

"No! No more Julia! I don't want to get hit again." Lucy now showed attention and was surprised. He saw the cat with bruises and cuts which were from Juvia? This made her blood boil. 'How Dare She...' Lucy clenched her fists and began patting Happy.

"What can I do to make it feel better?" She asked.

"Sniff... Sniff... Fish...." Happy sobbed. Ah so he hasn't lost his appetite. Lucy grabbed her packed up bag and grabbed her lunch which she was going to eat once she arrived to her destination. She gives it to Happy...

"No Lucy... Sniff... We hurt you.." He exclaimed but hands on the bento box. She laughed and scratched the area under his ear where he liked it. 'He purred so cute...' As she watched the cat devour her lunch, Happy was alright again.

"Hey Lucy what are you doing here?" Happy asked. 'Shoot I've been caught!' Lucy thought. She decided to give him a half truth, lie answer.

"Well... I'm going to go away for a little bit..."

"Like a mission?"

"Yeah like a mission... Except it's going to be very long and tiring."

"Will you come back?" Happy asked. Lucy thought about it.

"Yes," She lied... "I promise you but don't tell anyone okay? This is our little secret!" She smiled at the cat. Happy nodded.

"Happy, where are you!" Natsu yelled

"Where's that mutt when you need him," scoffed Julia.

"Hey he's a cat," Gray backfired.

"Like, whatever,"

"Oh no!" Said Happy, "I don't want to go back to Julia!!!" He exclaimed as he cried.

"Don't worry Happy it's gonna be alright. I swear it," Lucy kissed Happy's wounds. "Just remember our promise okay?" Happy nodded

"There you are!" Erza yelled as he pointed to Happy. "What were you thinking going by yourself?" she hugged the cat. Happy stared at the train to which Lucy went in. She peeped quietly through the window.

"Ugh Happy you forgot to take my stuff," Julia yelled as she threw her bags at the cat.

"Julia that's enough!" Natsu defended him but took quite the impact of the heavy bag.

*All aboard the F33L5 Train*

*F33L5 Train is now departing*

Happy stared at the train as Lucy sobbed while waving at Happy. For small moment... A tear went down his Cheeks.


Lucy continued to cry as she thought about the friends she left behind. She cried for the abuse they gave her and cried more when she thought about the good moments she had. She sat there and cried while looking down.

"Shoot I need a seat!" A young man appeared with large luggage, packing his stuff on the top compartments and sat in front of Lucy.

"Ah, I hope you don't mind missus but if I could please sit here-" The man noticed her crying. Lucy didn't notice til a hand touched her shoulder...

"Hey are you okay there? What's your name?" He asked politely and concerned.

"Lucy..." She sniffled as she saw what the man looked like.

"Lucy huh? That's a cute name... My name is-"



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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