Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Travis' POV

I woke up and was laying next to Ash. She cuddled closer to me because I moved a little bit. I hugged her tight and smiled. Ashley was talking in her sleep.

. "No!....Travis Help! No!!!"she screamed and curled up into a ball.

"Shhhh.... Ashley, Ashley it's okay." I tried to wake her but she slapped my arm. I decided not to touch her and just lay there. It hurt me to watch her suffer.

Ashley POV

I was with him... next to him.. I couldn't do anything... I was pinned. I started to scream for Travis and he never came. I tried to slap him but he wouldn't get off. Then his grasp was harder and I gasped for air his arms around my sides.

How could do he do this? Ruin my life. I was so scared and alone and Travis wasn't even there for me. He was gone. Then all a sudden he was there but faded as I saw him.

"Travis!!! Travis!!! Don't leave me." I shouted and was quieted by his hand over my mouth, then he got his gun and...

I was awake screaming and Travis was trying to calm me. I shot up and pulled my knees to my chest. I started sobbing. He started to rub my back and I leaned into him. Travis brushed my hair back with his hand and kissed my forehead. I smiled and sighed.

"I'm hungry." I said with a huff. He chuckled and grabbed my hand. The sent of chocolate and pancakes made me jump to life. I booked it to the kitchen and pulled Travis along."It smells good..." I said dragging the O.

Mrs.Berks set a plate infront of me as I sat at a bar stool and chowed down.

"yum!!" I said with a giggle as Travis chuckled.

"How did you two sleep?"Mrs.Berks asked with a brow raised.

" Not to good I kept having nightmares." I said wearily

" I slept fine" Travis said with a smirk and I blushed.

"Hmm, somethings fishy here and it ain't just because Sam is watching 'Finding Nemo'." Mrs.Berks murmured. I went back to eating my pancakes and watching 'Nemo' while Travis read.

After I was finished I washed my plate and got dressed.

I wore my favorite pair of black an white converse, white booty shorts, and a black mustache t-shirt that says I <3 Mustaches. I left my room and skipped out to the living room and sat by Sam.

"Hey buddy, what you up to?"I asked smiling at him. "Are you going to live here forever?" he asked.

Wow, this kid just jumps to the point I thought to myself.

"ummm... I... don't think so. Once my parents get back i'll go and live with them in California." I said to him.

"But, what if I don't want you to leave, I like you Ashley." he said with big bulging eyes. "So does everyone else, especially Travis." he continued. I giggled and sighed.

"I'll miss you guys to but I won't be gone for like three years so you might get tired of me." I said.

"Ashley do you wanna play a game with me?" he asked innocently.

"Yah sure bud, what do you got in mind?" then I was tackled by the little booger and layed out across the couch. He was trying to pin my arms but I wouldn't let him.

"What are we playing?" I asked while laughing.

"Tackle" he said with a grunt and gave up and layed across me with his head on my feet.

"I give up though your to big." he said with defeat

. "Lets play a diffrent game." I said sitting up. I picked him up even though he wasn't light.

"Like tickle." I said while tickling him. He started giggling and trying to wiggle away. He got out of my grasp and sat on top of me.

I sat there laughing as he tickled my sides. The most vernible tickle spot I had but I won't tell him that.

This kept going on for about twenty minutes. Sam and I switching off tickling eachother. When Sam was tickling me, Travis and his friends burst through the door.

"Hey Travis." I said through fits of giggles.

"Woh, you didn't say you had a hot chick here." I heard someone say whos voice I really didn't recognize. I turned my head.

" You have friends?" I questioned. Travis furrowed his brows and I laughed.

" It's nice to meet you," a tall boy with dark brown hair and electrifying green eyes said while grabbing my hand to shake it.

" I'm jake and that's Ben," a short guy said he was really tan and had a bleach blonde hair. I was guessing that he was trying to give me a sexy smirk but it didn't really work. He just look constipated.

"Nice to meet you both," I said smiling softly at them.

I heard a cry coming from johns room. He probably woke up from his nap. I went to his room and brought him into the living room. We snuggled up on the couch.

"Oh, so your just babysitting for Travis?" Jake stated.

"No, I'm not babysitting." I said nonchalantly.

"Uhhh, Moms friend?"


"Dating?" I heard Ben say and I giggled.

"Nope" I said rocking John back and forth.

"We live together."Travis said with a shrug.

"You what!!! I am so coming over more often!" Jake yelled. I started to laugh and Travis slapped him.

"You guys are impossible, I gotta go feed John his tummys rumbling." I said and went to the kitchen.

"Is he yours?" I heard Jake ask Travis. I started giggling and Travis probably slapped him because I heard Jake mutter an ow.

I figured that Jake was the loud and obnoxious one. Ben was quiet and reserved. I think I like him the most. The there's Travis, I guess he balances the two out.

I took John to his room after thumping Ben on the head. I walked into his room and sat down in the rocking chair. He grabbed my pinky and sucked on it.

"Your the best." I said nuzzling him with my forehead.

"This isn't so hard after all."I whispered to myself. I wasn't really talking about John though. I was talking about living with the Berks.


Hey all my fabulous readers what did you think of meeting Travis' friends. Their awesome right haha.

I Love em!!! Tell me if I should keep going if you don't say nothing i'll quit writing this story.

Pic of baby John!!! I made the decision to add him anyways. He's not like a famous baby or anything though(:

Chapter song:Ours By Taylor swift

Love Ya'll


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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