Chapter 1

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**This is my very first novel type thing!! Sorry if it's not good**

~Takes place in year 2020~

Beep! Beep! Beep!

There goes my alarm clock telling me to get up. Today's the day I go meet with the head person at my collage about my new family I will be staying with while I am studying in Mullinger, Ireland. 

I hop in the shower, get dressed in my white shorts, a teal flowy tank-top with a white under neath tank, and my teal Vans, then go on my way.

"Hello Ms. Jacobs! How are you today?" The dean, Mrs. Meyer, said.

"I'm fine, thanks, and yourself?" I relplied.

"Exellent! Now you have been wanting to take a semester in Ireland, correct?"


"Alright, and the town of Mullinger?" "Yes"

"Okay and you have not yet been paired with a family yet, right?"

"No I have not."

"Okay well there is one family available in Mullinger, but she is an older woman,divorced and remarried, and she has to boys that are grown and out of the house. One is married 3 children, and the other is not married nor has any children. They live in a medium sized house on the West side of Mullinger not to far from your campus. Does this environment sound okay to you Katelyn?"

"Yes! They sound fantasitic!" Even though I didn't get to much information from her, the woman sounded nice, seemings how she made it through background checks in all.

"Fantastic! Here is a folder of all the things about their family. The womans' name is Maura Gallagher and she and her husband Chris will be taking care of you."

Wow I am getting super excited about this trip. I know that Niall lives in Ireland or at least used to, but ever since I was 16 I kind of out grew One Direction. I wasn't all that obsessed when I was younger back in 2013, but I still really liked them. 

"This is amazing! And when will I be leaving, Mrs. Meyer?" 

"Well I was thinking you could leave Monday. But if you have something going on soon we can push it for about as far as a month."

"No, no Monday sounds perfect!"

"Perfect! Remeber you can only bring 3 luggage cases and 1 carry-on. I will get your tickets and see what time the flight is and we'll go from there!" She said with a smile, "You have a passport right?" "I do, yes." "Excellent! I will call you tomorrow to tell you more information on your flight." 

"Thank-you so much Mrs. Meyers! Have a nice day!" "You to Katelyn. Buh-bye."

OMG I AM GOING TO IRELAND!!! I have 3 1/2 to pack before I leave! 

~2 hours later~

"Yeah, mom tomorrow will be fine if you want to stop over and help me pack." "Okay honey I love you! See you tomorrow!" "Alright mom love you too bye."

And let the packing begin. Where are my suit cases? Ah ha! There they are. I have a poc-a-dot one, solid pink, and a black one. I begain packing my clothes, being sure to leave outfits out for the days I will be here. Ah crap. I should go do laundry. Ughhh! That's what I hate about having my own place. I have to do laundry, clean, the whole 9 yards. It get's exhasting let me tell you. It's getting quiet. How about some music? 

I turn the raido on to my favortie station, 103.7, the classified "oldies" station. In my mind, they're not exactly "oldies" It's all the hits from like 2005 to 2014. It's a good station I enjoy it. 

They were playing a really good song, Don't You Worry Child, oh boy does this song bring back memories. Middle School dances. Ew. But also good. Bittersweet. There we go. 

I went to the laundry room and started the laundry. I looked at the time 4:55. It's that late already? Ughhhh.

I went back to my room when I heard something out in the living room. Oh my gosh. Something is out there. I grab my phone and my lotion bottle. Hey it was last minute deciding on what to take. I walked out there. 

"Who's there?" I say with a mild shakey voice. 

"Kate are you being serious right now?" I heard the voice of my roomate, Kristi. 

"Kristi you almost gave me a freaking heart attack! Text me when your on your way, yeah?"

"Yeah yeah sorry it's kind of hard getting used to living with someone other than my parents."

"Well speaking of living alone, looks like you will be for a semester!"


"I'm going to Ireland for a semester!" 

"Congratulations Kate!"

"Thanks?" I kind of expected her to be a little more sad.

"So when do you leave, soon?"

"Yeah, Monday. Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Noooooooo.." She said droping her voice at the end.

"You just want more alone time with Mitch I take it?"

Mitch is Kristi's boyfriend of 2 years. They dated her junior and senior year of highschool and they are still madly in love.

"No no no!" 

"Mhmm. Well I'm going to pack."

"Need any help?" Kristi asked.

"Not at the moment I'm just kind of planning out my out fits for the next few days actually, I'm waiting for my clothes to get out of the wash."

"Oh, alright."

I went back to my room and layed there when a One Direction song came on. How convenient I just thought of them today for the first time in months. Whatever. But their song "Kiss You" was on and I always loved that song so I tried to remember the words.

"Girl I just wanna dadadadadadadddadada"

Yeah I rememberd nothing but "And let me kiss you!"

I wonder what all the boys are like now.

I opened my laptop and searched "One Direction and where they are now." 

I read, "Liam Payne, engaged to a girl named Rachel Carmichael, Louis Tomlinson married to Elounor Clader, now Tomlinson, they have 2 children, Sophia and Jace, Zayn Malik married to Perrie Edwards, now Mailik, named Mason, Harry Styles only dating a girl named Alexis Morose, Niall Horan still looking for love?"

Niall Horan isn't married??? He was always my favorite when I was little! Oh jeez I remember having a "wedding" getting marred to him. How could he be single still? I clicked on the link, "Niall Horan still can't find the right girl. We asked him why and he said she just hasn't came along yet." 

Hmm. Oh poor him. And then I heard the buzzer for the dryer go off. 

I got up and went and unloaded them. Packed then went to bed.

~Monday morning~

I just finished last minute packing. My flight leaves in 1 hour and I am super nervous! I kissed all my relatives goodbye, told all my friends I'd miss them and went to the airport.

I arrived and the announcer said "NOW BOARDING ALL PASSANGERS TO DUBLIN IRELAND." 

Crap!! I ran to give the ticket guy my tickets. I boarded the plane and sat next to this lady about ehh 33 and her daughter that lookedd about 10. We chatted for about an hour than I ended up falling alseep.

Then I woke up to the sound of the announcer "We are about to land in Dublin. Please fasten your seat belts." 

The plane landed and I stepped out. About to start my adventure in Ireland!

**Please leave your comments on how I did on my first chapter! I hope everyone liked it!!

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