Chapter 3-

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Percy POV

We take several twists and turns on our way to my room. Down long hallways, up a few staircases.

We finally reach a wooden door, and Tony holds the door open.  I hesitate before entering.  But when I do, my mouth drops to the ground. 

The room is probably about 4 times as large as my old one.  There's a king-sized four poster bed,  with a soft blue comforter.  A flat screen TV rests on the wall, the screen a gleaming black.  My footsteps echo on the wooden floorboards as I gaze around at the room and I nod approvingly.

"Not half bad, Stark." I praise, clapping quietly.  He rolls his eyes.

"Such high praise." He states, his tone dripping sarcasm.  He clears his throat.  "Well... Yeah.  Dinner is at 6:45, just do whatever until then." On that awkward note, my uncle leaves the room, and the door slams behind him, and I'm left sitting on my bed alone with my thoughts.  

I still couldn't believe that I had an uncle.  More importantly one that was some arrogant, egotistical billionaire.  All I need is more publicity.  And if this guy found my track record... Well, lets just say that the second I turned eighteen I'd be hauled off to some high security prison.  Even the thought of the newspaper headline made me grimace.

Tony Stark, Genius Billionaire Saves City From his Psychopathic nephew!        

It has recently been brought to attention that none other than Tony Stark has a nephew.  But we are disappointed to say that he has not lived up to the same potential as his uncle, and is actually quite the delinquent.   Percy Jackson, his nephew, has been expelled from several schools, and is accused of murder.  He also has....

I shake the daydream out of my head, and yawn.  It's been a pretty long day.  I shudder as it all comes crashing down on me.  It's like holding up the sky again.  

Mom and Paul are dead.  

The Camp betrayed me.

Both my mortal and immortal uncles hate me.  

I only have three people in the world who actually trust me.  I close my eyes and take a shaky breath.  There's no point in dwelling on these things.  It'll only reawaken the terrible memories.  I push all the thoughts, memories and emotions to the back of my mind, and bury myself in the blue comforter.  I don't even have time to consider the nightmares as I drift off into the realm of Morpheus.  

 Tony Stark/Iron man POV

I plop down in my chair, sighing.  Why must Percy Jackson come into my life?  I don't want to be an uncle!  I was made to be an amazing, famous superhero.  Most definitely not the uncle of some annoying teen.  

A sudden thought occurs to me, and I whirl around in my chair, facing the huge computer screen.  I type in the desired name, and the search results appear almost instantaneously.  Hundreds of pages and news articles.  Birth records, and more.  My eyes fly wide as I read over the articles.  

A gunfight? 

Killed three old ladies?

Holy crap.

I pull up the page for S.H.I.E.L.D, and type in the name once more.  



I sigh again, and close the page. 

"JARVIS, Show me the security cameras for room 117." I say, surprising myself.  Was I really this curious about him?  Yes.  Yes I was.  The screens clear, and shows Percy sitting on his bed, taking a deep, shaky breath.  I narrow my eyes as he lies down on the bed, and falls asleep.  I sigh, and get up to leave before a scream emits from the computer, and my head snaps to the spot behind me.  My nephew writhes around on the bed, sweat trickling down his forehead.  

The blue covers fly off the mattress as he begins to shake.  I start to get up and go to his room, but someone stops me.  I groan.

"You again, Cap?" I ask, rolling my eyes as he crosses his arms.  

"Spying on your nephew, Stark?"

"Yes," I reply honestly.  "Why?"

"Have a little faith, Tony!  What the heck is wrong with you?" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in anger.

"Jeez, I was just going to check on him." I mumble, pushing past Steve and marching through the door.  

"I'm coming with you." He states, following me.

"Nice to know." We enter the elevator, and I watch as the doors slide close.  A few floors and minutes of awkward silence later, We reach my nephew's room.  

I twist the knob, and cautiously step into his room.  I turn my head towards the bed, and see Percy writhing and twisting around.  Although there aren't any injuries, his teeth are clenched in pain, as he cries out in his sleep.  Steve and I rush over to his bed.  Percy begins to breathe heavily. Cap grabs him by the shoulders, and shakes the kid.

"Percy!  Percy wake up." He says, still shaking him. After a few seconds, he stops moving around, and Percy opens his eyes.  

"Wha- What just happened?" He stammers, sitting up.  "Where am I?"  

"You're at Stark Towers," Steve states bluntly.  "You had a nightmare, and we woke you up." The panic is clear in Percy's eyes as he stares back at us.  

"N-no.  No I didn't.  I in my sleep." He says, straightening up.  

"You were screaming," I butt in.  "Not talking." Steve shoots me a warning look, before dialing it down to a kinder one and looking at Percy.  

"Percy, is there anything you'd like to tell us?" He asks, staring him dead in the eye.  My nephew avoids his gaze, then sighs.

"I guess you were going to find out sooner or later..."

"Find out what?" I snap.

"Well, lets just say Norse aren't the only gods around...."


I tried to make mac+cheese today.  

The pot overflowed at one point.

I was babysitting my siblings, and they were freaking out.

My brother wrote his will.  (All I got was an old pair of socks... he said I would be freed. -_-) I was like,


Stay cool demigods,


My Uncle the AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now