Chapter 6- Fury the Furious

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Percy POV

I sat for hours after Tony got punched in the face, staring at the plain white wall in front of me.  It was starting to blind me.  I took out my pen again, and fondled with it until Natasha entered the room.  Her face was steely and emotionless.  I saw a gun resting at her side, and a dagger beside it.  

I just hoped she wasn't planning on using them on me.  

"Up." She commands.  I snort, and point to the chain around my ankle.  The metal was clutching tightly at my flesh, and I felt a dull throbbing emitting  from the area.  

"I don't think I can do that, sweetheart." I respond, a smirk written on my face.  Her expression doesn't change, however.  

"Put your hands behind your back." She says.  

I shrug, and do as she says.  She takes out a pair of hand cuffs, and puts them around my wrists.  I close my eyes, and concentrated on the water in the air as she pulled me to my feet.  I formed a sphere of water above her head.  Natasha must've noticed, and quick as a flash she whipped her pistol out and pressed it against my temple.  

"Drop it." She whispers through clenched teeth.  "Or I'll shoot."

"I'm sure Fury would be thrilled to hear that, wouldn't he?" I smirked again.  "Oh, and don't forget my dear, dear, uncle.  Would look great in the papers, wouldn't it?  An avenger killing another avenger's nephew.  Can't wait to see the headlines in Elysium."

She hesitates for a split second, before regaining her composure and readjusting the gun.  

"Just let me explain.  You don't even know what I am.  5 minutes.  That's all I need.  If my explanation doesn't satisfy you, feel free to run as many tests as you want." Natasha hesitates again, but sighs.

"Fine.  Five minutes." She puts away the gun, but leaves my hands cuffed behind my back, and pushes me back on the 'bed'.  "Go."

"Well, you see... The thing is..."

"Get to the point, Jackson." 

"Ok.  So you know how Thor is a god?" Natasha nods impatiently.  "Yeah, well, he's Norse.  The thing is, he's Norse.  I'm greek."

"You're from Greece?" She asks.  

"In a way.  You see, the greek gods are real."

"Stop lying.  Tell the truth."

"I am!" I protest.  "I'm the son of one of them.  I'm a demigod."

"I seriously doubt it." She crosses her arms, and narrows her eyes.

"How else can you explain how I can do what I do?  Poseidon, god of the seas is my dad."  The redhead snorts, and begins to retrieve her weapon, but I cut in.  "I'll prove it!  Reach in my pocket, and pull out the pen." She looks skeptical at first, but does it anyway.  "Ok, now uncap it." Her eyes widen as the ballpoint pen springs into the celestial bronze sword.

"That's kind of hard to argue with." Natasha says, her eyes still wide as saucers.  I sigh.  

"See?  The whole terrorist thing is a sham.  I was doing all that stuff to save you people's butts.  Like you know all those weird storms in New York a few years ago?  That was the gods being pissed off."

"So, say I believe you.  I still can't just beat up Fury, and let you go free."  I hear footsteps outside the door.

"Romanoff?  What's taking you so long?"  Natasha swears under her breath.  

"I'm securing these bonds tightly around your wrists." She mumbles.  I hear a click, and flex my arms from the sudden freedom.  "I'm holding my gun to your head, and taking your pen." Riptide slips into my pocket, and my fingers tighten around the new weapon.  How are you supposed to use these things, anyway?

She unlocked the door.  With a jingle and a twist, it swung open. 

"He's coming." She whispered.  "I would run if I were you."

"Yeah." I mumble.  "And, umm... thanks."

Natasha nods, a solemn look on her face.  "S.H.I.E.L.D. Will be looking for you.  Be careful." I give her a lopsided grin, and dart out the door.  

I get about 15 yards from the door before I realize that I have no clue where I'm going.  Poseidon's underpants.

There were two hallways in front of me, and a stampede of footsteps following behind me.

Well, when in doubt, go left.  

I veered to the left, and sprinted down the empty hallway.  Cells were to my right and left.  People stared at me with psychotic grins.  I gave a fake smile in return, and continued my escape. 

I had plenty of time to consider my options during my mad dash to freedom.  Where I would go, how would I survive, etc.  So far I've come to a revolutionary conclusion:

I have no clue.  

I'm pretty sure both camps hate me.  If I got within 20 feet of the camp border, I would probably be joining my uncle (the godly one) within seconds.  

Mom and Paul are dead, so I obviously can't stay with them.

I could always stay here, and be a lab rat for the rest of my life.  Tests being run every day.  Being used as a weapon.  Tempting.

There's about a year before I can actually legally live alone.  But S.H.I.E.L.D would be on my back the whole time.

There are just so many great options, I couldn't possibly choose!

They were gaining on me now.

Let me just get one thing straight:  Just because I'm half god doesn't mean I can run at the speed of sound.  I did get beaten by a tree when I was 12.

I create a miniature earthquake, causing the soldiers, agents, and assassins to stumble or fall over.  I see that the years of training has been extremely effective.  They must not have practiced  with earthquake simulations.

"JACKSON!" A voice I recognize as Fury shouts from behind me.  I smile mockingly at him, and dash around the corner.  

"Oh gods.  Oh gods. Oh gods.  Oh gods." I mutter nervously, still sprinting.  

With a snap and a bang, I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.  I can feel the blood pouring from the wound, and soaking my shirt in crimson.  I move my hand to the spot, and it comes back soaked in blood.  I fall onto my knees in pain, clutching my shoulder weakly.  It's a gunshot.  I realize too late.  I forgot that they had long range weapons.  I would've healed myself with water, but I was too weak at the moment.  A cruel laugh echoes behind me.  

"If you had just stayed put, this wouldn't have happened." Fury whispers, his breath ghosting my skin.  

"If you had never kidnapped me, this would've never happened." I correct, clenching my teeth in pain.  He growls, then snaps his fingers, signalling for two other guards to come forward. One strains my arms behind my back, and I gasp out in pain.  The other one locks the cuffs around them.  My vision is blurry and unfocused as they haul me upwards, but I can dimly see Natasha cuffed as well, and struggling against two agents.  

Anger ran through my veins, and the earth shook for a split second before stopping abruptly.  

"Don't do anything you'll regret, Jackson." Those words rang through my head as I fell into blessed unconsciousness.







Stay cool demigods, (I know I'm not)


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