Questioning my life

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(Y/N) P.O.V
This is terrible. "Um sorry J-Fred." I said with a shaky voice. He slightly turned pink and just stood there for 3 seconds. "It's ok." turned to see Bryan and Matthias about to die from laughter. I couldn't stand there anymore so I just decided to pretend I had some work to do. "Eh I have some work to do so I need to go sorry." But we still have more challenges to do!" Matt begged. "Sorry!" "Okay I will tell Mike to get you home." Bryan said. "Ok thanks." So Bryan told Mike but apparently he was busy so the only person who was free was....." Bryan can you take (Y/N) home?" Matthias asked. "No I have to put together the couch remember!" Bryan answered. "Well I can't because I have to set my recording space up. "Well guys it's ok I can go home myself you know, I could just take the bus or-" "No I'll take you home. J-Fred interrupted. "Ok thanks" but what J-Fred didn't know was I didn't want him to take me home. He was the reason I wanted to go! I swore under my breath.

Joeys P.O.V
I don't think she thought I heard her but I did. I heard her curse quietly but why? What did I do wrong? God, right now she's going inside and her beautiful (hair colour) is shining in the sun. NO JOEY WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! ugh well I guess she is beautiful. NO I JUST MET HER 3 HOURS AGO. We got to the car and I opened the door for her. " Here you go m'lady" "oh thanks!" My pleasure"

(Y/N) P.O.V
Really did I really have to go home with him. Well I guess it's only a 5 minute ride. He is being really nice through. AH SHUT UP (Y/N) I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM! the car ride was a little awkward. It was just really quiet so I decided to text Amanda, until Joey the breaker of the awkwardness said something. "Do you like music?" "Yeah I like it, why?" He looked at me in the eyes with his ocean blue eyes, it was so beautiful. "Because I want to know what type of music you like so I can put it on." "Well I like Jason Mraz songs (I think I spelt his second name wrong). "Any?" J-Fred questioned. "Yup" soon a song by Jason Mraz came up that just made it feel wrong at this moment. This is song: when I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise.... Why did it have to be this one?! He had many- he looked at me in the eyes again before I got down to my house. As much as I wanted to stop and go I just couldn't his ocean blue eyes, you just couldn't look away! So I just looked back.

J-Fred's P.O.V
Her (eye colour) eyes are beautiful. I have to admit it, I have a little crush on her. She's just perfect. She's active, beautiful, energetic, fit, healthy. This could be my chance.....

Sorry for short part I was busy today, hey at least you got a part. *Wink wink* well please give me suggestions for this story and never say this story is about to finish because it's probably gonna have 20 or more parts. Stay tuned for the next part it will come out tomorrow as usual I will upload everyday. Peace out!

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