Eleven [Confessions]

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 *T's POV*

So here I am standing in the middle of a forest, rain falling down on my skin, with the most beautiful woman in the world. You would think that that would’ve made me the luckiest man in the world. Unfortunately, I dont feel luck at all. If anything, I fell like my heart is about to be shattered by this beautiful femme fatale facing me. I gulped as I prepared to ask a question I didn’t want to ask at all.

“You’re married, aren’t you?” I asked her, a lump forming in my throat. I mentally cursed myself; I wasn’t one to express my emotions so easily. What was this girl doing to me?

“No, why would you think that?” She seemed somewhat taken back. I let out a major sigh of relief. I fell a little silly though; Reign must’ve thought I was a weirdo for asking such a question. My relief overwhelmed my embarrassment, though. I still had a chance to make Reign my one and only. Fear still prickling at my heart; she still has somehing to tell me and I can tell that it was something serious. I shake off my flurry of thoughts as I remember that I still needed to reply.

“You’re too beautiful to be single,”I admitted shyly. “I thought you were going to tell me that I wasted my time coming here.”

She watched me quietly, multiple emotions flickering in her eyes. I shifted my weight awkwardly, hoping that she wasn’t trying to find a way to let me down gently. The silence felt like it was going to last for an eternity. Finally, she sighed and moved closer to me taking my hands. She smiled sadly as she looked into my eyes. I gulped silently, preparing myself for disappointment.

“Tremaine,” she began while her voice was thick with emotion, “I would love to get to know you better. I really would.”

Wow, I thought, that’s a relief. I knew that a “but” was coming though. There has to be a “but”. She sighed again as she gathered up the courage to speak.

“But I’m not who you think I am,”she spoke quietly. I raised my eyebrow, confusion entering my mind.

“What do you mean?” I asked. A drop of rain landed on the tip of her nose. I reached out and wiped it off; my hand sweeping across her soft skin. An electric surge erupted in my stomach as I touched her skin. I could tell that she felt it too. There we were standing in a forest, rain falling on us gently. I wanted to do was wrap my arms around this girl and kiss her like she’d never been kissed before. Suddenly, she looked away. I looked away too, fighting the urge to bring her closer to me.

“Reign, I don’t care who you are,” Ir eplied adamantly. “You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever come across.That’s not why I feel the way I do about you, though. There is a connection between us Reign. A connection I’ve never felt before and I’m pretty sure you haven’t had this connection with anyone else too. I know that no other girl will ever make me feel this way.”

“I’m hardly a girl,” she replied. I gasped as I registered what she’d just said. I could feel my eyes widening.

“You’re a man?” I spluttered. Great! She isn’t taken. She’s a damn man! She shook her head vehemently.

“No. No! I am not a man!”

“Then what is it, Reign?”Desperation was blatantly evident in my voice. I didn’t care. “What is it that is keeping you from letting me get to know you?”

“I’m not a human being,” she muttered.I barely heard her, but I heard her all the same. My voice caught in my throat.My brain was failing to accept what she’d just said.

“What did you say?” My voice wasbarely a whisper. She bit her lip nervously as she let go of my hands. Shestarted to play with them immediately.

“I am not a human being,” she repeated, looking down at the ground. “I...I have supernatural powers.”

“You have what?” I spluttered. I admit I wasn’t taking her admission very well.

She began to walk away, deeper into the forest. My legs managed to move, making me follow her. I needed to hear the rest of her story.

“I am faster than the speed of light,” she continued quietly. “I’m way stronger than the World’s Strongest Man. My hearing is supersonic. My sight is well beyond 20/20. I’m well beyond being “superhuman.” I’m a supernatural being.”

“So you mean you’re like Wonder Woman?” I asked sounding like a little kid. She looked at me with her beautiful, piercing eyes.

“I guess you can call me that,” she paused. “But...I’m more of...well I am...a vampire.”

“A vampire?” I asked, incredulous.This had to be a joke. “Reign, I’m sorry to break it to you but vampires aren’t real. They don’t exist.”

She chuckled as she thought of something. Bitterness resonated in that laugh. But it sounded so sexy, though.

“Vampires do exist, Tremaine, trust me,” she replied. “You won’t believe anything else I tell you. I guess I’ll just have to show you what I mean.”

She took me by the hand and led me deeper into the woods. It was only then when I noticed that her hand was hard and cold. Funny enough, it didn’t bother me. Her admission didn’t bother me either. I’d recovered from my initial shock. I still felt uncertain about her claiming to be a vampire but vampire or not I wanted to be with her forever. I followed her quietly as she led me to an unknown location. Fear was absent from my mind. All I could focus on was my growing feelings for this girl. This supernatural being. This...Wonder Woman.

Soon, I hope, I could call her my Wonder Woman.

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