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After hours of preparation, the Phantomhive Manor was in its best condition to host the party. We, the servants, had changed into more "appropriate" attire to serve in - the typical vest over a white button-up and pants.
The first guest to arrive was Elizabeth Midford, Mr. Phantomhive's fiancé, accompanied by her family. I adore her bubbly attitude but I pity the fact that she is to marry someone as sour as him. She greets each servant with quick curtsies and pulled Ciel in for a hug.
"Ciel! I've missed you so much! Have you missed me? Thank you so much for inviting me!" She pecked his cheek and buried her head into his neck. Ciel flushed a bit and returned the hug; deep down, he really does care for her.
The rest of the guests trickle in, my job being to walk around offering drinks. The orchestra played vivacious music for the audience to waltz to. The other servants were also either walking around with food and drinks or attending the various delicacy bars placed around the room.
I walked up to a pair of males, one a teenage boy with blonde hair and a purple coat, the other a butler with close resemblance to Sebastian, save that he wears glasses over golden eyes.
"Champagne?" I offered with a warm smile. The duo looked at me, sneering at the platter of small glasses that I held.
"Claude?" the boy asked, "Isn't champagne supposed to be served cold?"
"Indeed, Young Master."
"Then can you please explain to me why I'm being offered lukewarm champagne?"
"I have no idea why, Young Master."
The boy looked me in the eyes and smirked. "I don't think we'll be having any." I nodded and walked away, muttering to myself about how they could've been nicer.
I held one of the champagne glasses. The drinks were getting a bit warm - to continue serving this would be a disgrace upon Phantomhive honor and the Funtom company. I went into the kitchen to refill and restock; throwing away the champagne is a waste but I guess it has to be done. I heard the door open behind me. It was the boy's butler - I believe his name was Claude.
"I must apologize for the behavior of my Lord. He's quite finicky about everything and I can't do anything about it but go along with what he says." He stretched his hand for me to shake. "The name's Claude Faustus."
Oh no.
I forgot about him. Claude Faustus and his lord Alois Trancy, who were definitely not invited. I had no idea what to do, so I just played along, shaking his hand. He too, lowered his lips to my hand and kissed it. I guess he believes he's a "gentleman."
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Faustus. I'm Y/N L/N. I appreciate you apologizing on the behalf of Mr...?" I acted stupid.
"Trancy. Alois Trancy. He bears a strong resemblance to your Ciel Phantomhive, with both of them being lords so early in their life." Claude smiled a bit at me. I had no idea what he was playing at.
"Yeah, quite an odd coincidence. You bear a strong resemblance to Sebastian, with both of you being butlers to teenage lords." A grimace replaced the smile on his face.
"Yes, we share a bit of a childhood rivalry." He was holding back a growl.
I nodded my head and continued to carefully fill the champagne glasses; I figured ignoring him should do the trick. Claude stood behind me, his shadow looming over me due to his significant height advantage.
He placed his hand on my shoulder and let it run across my side, over my waist and onto my thigh. I shuddered in disgust. "You're quite intoxicating. From the moment I walked in here, you caught my eye and I wasn't able to take my mind off of you. What do you say to getting out of here? Your job isn't too important." His hot breath tickled my neck. I turned around and looked him in the eye, removing his hands from me.
"I have to decline." I grabbed the platter of champagne and began walking out, but before I could even get a few feet away, into safety, he took the tray away from me, set it on a counter and pulled me in.
"Please," he begged, "I need you... I want you." The thin frames of his round glasses shone. I cringe, ducking out from his arms.
"Please leave me alone. Seduce someone else, not me. It won't work on me." I had figured he'd leave me alone by now - they wanted information on Mr. Phantomhive and the Funtom company, and it was obvious that his tactics wouldn't work on me, but he was persistent. I speed walked , the door was so close - oh God, why was this kitchen so big? I wanted to get out as fast as possible. My hand began to push the door, but I'm pinned to the wall adjacent the door.
Claude leaned down and kissed my neck and jaw, his hand untucking my shirt and grazing my stomach. Tears slipped from my eyes. I didn't like this. I didn't like being touched liked that.
"Help!" I cried out. "Someone help me please!" I heard Claude sigh, and he clamped my mouth shut with his other hand. I wriggled under him violently, hoping he'll get tired of me. How has no other servant come in yet, at all, to refill their platters?
"I'll let you go if you'll tell me the names of the Funtom suppliers. How does that sound?" Claude's honey eyes gleamed. I shook my head; I refused to give in.
The door burst open; a livid Sebastian turned to us and launched a fist at Claude, who ducked out, letting me go. I took the chance and ran to the other side of the room; running out of the room isn't a choice as the door is blocked by the men.
The embers of their childhood rivalry burst into flames as they beat each other up. Eventually, Sebastian gained a significant advantage as he had straddled Claude; he punched his face, a crack indicating that he broke his nose.
"How dare you call yourself a gentleman and continue to lay your hands on women like that? You are a disgrace to both yourself and the very word!" Sebastian stood up and kicked Claude in the ribs. Claude, too, stood up, but he raised his hands in defeat and left.
Sebastian rushed over to me and helped me get up; I was in awe of the scene I had just witnessed. His hair is messy and he had several bruises. I re-tucked my shirt and composed myself. Sebastian used a silver platter as a mirror to fix himself as well.
There was a silence between us; I didn't know how to thank him, or if I should apologize- I decide on the latter.
"Sebastian," I hung my head, "I'm sorry that I let my guard down like that. If I had kept my defenses up, you wouldn't have had to intervene like that." Sebastian embraced me, setting his chin on my head.
"I can't let anything bad happen to you."

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