Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

November 23, 2013

For the past two months I was with the boys in all their concerts. I would leave when we had breaks to go visit the fam. Jason was doing a lot better. Detective Benson and Stabler were still working on my case. Apparently they couldn’t find this guy that attacked my brother and me. They think he might have left the city but they filed a report on him throughout the whole United States. I pushed the whole situation to the side. I had a bigger problem to deal with.

I told Custodio about how Niall had invited me to the MSG show. But of course he had to go and tell X. X gave me ‘permission’ to go. Who did he think he was, my father? I think I wouldn’t listen to my own father either. Talking about blood family. John would contact me and ask me how I was doing and stuff. I would reply with the general ‘fine’ or ‘great’ or ‘okay’. He skyped me one day and I had the curiosity about what my parents have done with their lives. He told me that both our parents started a business but our father had moved into the criminal justice office. So our mother owned the whole business. I really didn’t care about what they did but I guess it’s just something foster kids go through sometimes. John had asked me about me and Niall.

Apparently a lot of gossip websites stated that me and Niall were a couple now. But the truth was I enjoyed Niall’s company and that’s why we would hang out a lot more often. We never really showed anything in public that showed we were a couple. You know like hold hands or kiss each other. We would just be with each other and hang out, sometimes with the other boys too.

Zayn got engaged with his girlfriend Perrie. I met her about midway through this tour. She was gorgeous and nice, I liked her for Zayn. Liam and Louis had their own relationship. Niall and I were in weird terms. And Harry just had his banana.

When I mean Niall and I were on weird terms I mean. He would flirt with me during the day but I would ignore him. At night I would go to his room and hang out. Don’t judge me but let just say sometimes things got heated. That did not happened when we were on the bus though. He would sit next to me and put his hand on my thigh but that’s the farthest we’ve done anything on a bus. I wasn’t about to do something risky there.

Tour ended November 3. I finally got home. I was welcomed by my whole family.It was great. I hanged out with them for about a week or so.

Simon had signed me up for auditions for back up dancers. But the auditions were in L.A. Jason wanted to go with me but mom wouldn’t let him. I went to these couple auditions and I got in almost all of them. They just needed me for a couple of music video scenes. I was never the main girl. I’m glad I wasn’t.

Simon mention something about 1DDay. Basically it was a 7 hour livestream of the boys talking about the album and other stuff. And of course there had to be some weirdness. Simon invited me but I decided I would stay in my hotel room watching it.

And here I was watching this livestream. I saw Niall with his lilac hair and I have to say he looked pretty hot. There were some hilarious moments of course since the boys were hosting this. It ended 7.5 hours later. The boys were in the same hotel as me but in different floors.

I was still on YouTube looking at some of Tyler Oakley’s videos. He was basically worshipped in this fandom. His videos were hilarious and a bit weird sometimes. I was distracted with my phone ringing.




“Hey it’s Niall I’m on my way to your room.”

“Oh alright I’ll be here.”

“Alright be there soon.” And then I heard a click.

I continued watching some of Tyler’s videos. I decided not to change clothes. I was wearing my pajama shorts with an oversize sweater with my hair in a bun and my fuzzy socks. I was on perhaps on my 12th video of Tyler when I heard a knock on the door. I let the video play on as I went to open it. I opened the door to reveal a boy I knew too well standing right in front of me.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! If this gets 10 reads around 9 PM (which is in an hour) then i'll do a double update tonight. yea? Okie dokie!

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