Sakura Tree

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"Hurry up, tracksuit! Or we're going to be late!" Yukine yelled out, as he leaned up against the door frame.

"Ok! Just give me a minute!" Yato yelled back.

Tonight was the time for another 'cherry blossom viewing' party and - as usual - everyone was invited. When Yukine wasn't: studying, working or fighting with Yato, he would go down to take care of the tree, remembering the particular things Suzuha taught him. It was only a few days ago that he announced that it would be ready for another viewing and invited everyone to watch - even though Yato amd Bishamon were still a little uneasy about going to a party together.

"Ugh, finally!" Yukine exclaimed as Yato finally came to meet him at the door.

"Oh come on! I didn't take that long"" He argued.

They had both worn yukatas; Yato's was a deep blue - which he had sewn a small yellow crown on to - and Yukine's was a dark dirty green with a orange sash around the waist.

After a few minutes of bickering, they finally started to make their way to the party.

They saw the party before they got there. They had small fairy-light and lanterns set up around the grassy field, to provide some light. People were either sitting by the tree on blankets or talking amongst themselves while sharing drinks.

"Yatty~! Yuki~!" Kofuko yelled out and waved to the boys. They had both started to walk down the hill, but ended up slamming into their friends as the gravity had forced them to run down the hill. "You're finally here!" Kofuko squealed, while helping Yato regain his balance.

"Yeah, well someone took forever to get ready" Yukine murmured, to no one in particular.

"You look nice, Kofuko" Yato mentioned, complimenting Kofuko's pink and white kimono.

"Aww, You and Yuki look adorable as well" Kofuko said, squeezing their cheeks in the process.

To both of their relief, Diakoku came over and pulled Kofuko off of them, apologising for the Goddess's behaviour and handed Yato a drink, which he was more than happy to take.

"Honestly, I thought you two - or at least Yato - weren't going to come this year, you know concidering what happened last year" Diakoku joked, causing everyone cringed at the memory.

"Oh no, I would never miss a sakura party!" Yato cheered, taking another swing of his drink, ignoring everyones curious stares.

"Why's that?" Yukine asked.

Yato simply looked up at the cherry tree and smiled to himself. He seemed to space out at the very sight of the blossoms.

" has been a while" He mumbled.

Yukine was about to ask him to repeat himself, still a little confused, but instead his eyes averted to the group of people across from them.

"Hey, it's Hiyori. Hiyori!" Yukine yelled out, gaining the the half phantoms attention.

Yato turned to greet Hiyori, but instead his breath got caught in his throat and his eyes widened as nostalgic set in. He became suddenly frozen so much, that his drink slipped out of his hand, falling to the ground as the remaining sake soaked the ground.

"Huh!? Yato? What's wrong!?" Yukine surprised by Yato's sudden reaction.

"S-..Sa-" He couldn't even speak. And how could he?

With one glance at Hiyori and he was struck.

She wore a white kimono with a red sash tied around the waist and hung from the front; her hair had been tied back into a loose ponytail, only leaving her fringe and two locks of hair, one strand decorated with two beads.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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