Chapter 1

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It was a bright and sunny September day. It was the first day of school at Bridgewood High School.

Xavier was already tired of this school and couldn't wait until the year ended since he's finally a senior. Through his three years there so far, he hates the teachers, he doesn't like any of the girls and has a few friends. He is a quarterback in the school football team, the Lions.

It's 7:50 A.M. and Xavier is at his locker transferring his books since they're heavy in his backpack. He continues his transition until his locker is slammed closed and he gets jumped from behind which causes his books to fall on the ground. He already knew who they were before even looking at their faces.

They were Xavier's two best friends, Anthony and Luke.

"Why are you two always ass wipes?" Xavier said.

"Because you hate when people are up your ass" says Luke.

"You guys are idiots" says Xavier.

"I thought we were ass wipes" says Anthony.

"Ant, it's not the time for your smart ass remarks" says Xavier. "Anyways how were y'all summers?"

"I was just home playing video games, had a few chicks over" Luke answered.

"Did they come for you or your dad?" Xavier asks. Anthony laughs.

"Hey it's not just my dad that can get girls my age" Luke confronts.

"Whatever Luke, anyways I went camping with my family and stayed home mostly" said Anthony.

"That's cool, sounds better than Luke's summer" says Xavier.

"Hey!" Luke says punching Xavier's arm playfully.

Xavier laughs. "Anyways, I went to football camp with the team all summer.

"That's cool, did you learn anything new or was it just practice?" asked Ant.

"Just practice, I already know everything I need to know" Xavier answered.

A crowd of younger looking students were walking in the hallway.

"Must be the new youngbouls" Luke said.

"Remember when we were that little?" Said Xavier.

"Luke was one ugly ass freshman" Anthony says.

"He ain't changed at all, he still an ugly ass motherfucker" says Xavier.

"I can hear y'all" Luke says while walking towards one of the freshmen. "Here's a little advice, do not eat the food here it's poisoning. Don't use the bathroom, they haven't been cleaned since we started here, and Mr. Roberts, the history teacher, this guy is old enough to be your great grandfather so he'll fall for anything. But yeah welcome to Shitwood!" Luke walks away and back to Xavier and Anthony.

"You're supposed to show enthusiasm when it comes to the freshmen about this school" says Xavier.

"Why would I lie about this shitty school?" Said Luke.

"True" Xavier and Anthony said in unison.

"What class do you have first Xavier?" asked Luke.

"Pre-Calculus" said Xavier.

"Luke and I have Philosophy" said Ant.

"We'll see you later Xavier" said Luke.

"Okay later" said Xavier.

Xavier still hasn't finished his transition so he opens his locker back up and picks up his books from the ground. After putting his things in his locker, Xavier realizes he is missing a notebook. He looks around the hallway and spots it. He walks towards the book and as he bends down to get it, he lost to another pair of hands which he can tell is a girl's because of the bright red nail polish.

He looked up and was completely mesmerized. This girl is beautiful, Xavier thought. She was an average sized girl probably 5'4, skinny, dark brown hair, green eyes which made Xavier's heart flutter. Her hair was straightened and her face was covered with make-up, which made Xavier feel curious.

The girl gave Xavier the book while making eye contact which made Xavier feel lightheaded.

"Thank you" Xavier said. The girl smiled.

"You're welcome" The girl said. Xavier's heartbeat sped up at the sound of this girl's voice. He felt confused. Why did he feel like this? What was going on?

There was awkward silence until the girl spoke.

"I'm Rachel" she said. "Rachel Hernandez" she held out her hand.

Xavier shook her hand but couldn't seem to process any words.

"And you are?" Rachel asked.

"I- I'm um.." Xavier seemed to forget his name. "I'm Xavier".

" Xavier..?"

"Rivera" answered Xavier.

"Xavier Rivera, I'm in love with that name" Rachel said. Xavier couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks, I like your name too" said Xavier.

"So what class are you headed to? asked Rachel.

" Pre-Calculus "

"Pre-Calculus?" asked Rachel.

"Yeah, and you? asked Xavier.

" Algebra" Rachel answered. Okay so she is definitely not a senior ,Xavier thought.

"Algebra 2?" Xavier asked. Hopefully, she's not younger than a junior, Xavier thought.

"No, Algebra 1, I'm a freshman." Rachel answered. Xavier's heart stopped. There was no way he could try to be with a freshman. First off, there will be too many people causing drama which is less than Xavier's problems but what about Rachel? Xavier also knows that it won't work out after he graduates since he's moving out of the country for college, and he won't be able to handle it because when it comes to relationships, Xavier falls hard.

"What grade are you in?" Rachel breaks the silence.

"I'm a senior" Xavier says.

"Oh" Rachel says and she seems to have a look of insecurity on her face. "You probably shouldn't be talking to someone like me, I should go" Rachel attempts to walk away but Xavier steps in front of her.

"Why do you think I shouldn't talk to you?" Xavier asks.

"Because I'm a freshman and you're a senior, you probably think you're too cool to talk to me" Rachel says.

"Seniors aren't what you think, at least not all of us" Xavier says.

"So you won't be ashamed to talk to me?" Rachel asked.

"Of course not" Xavier responds. "You seem fun" Xavier gives a charming smile and has seemed to gain his confidence.

"Okay, but don't try to influence me into drugs, drinking, bad behavior or even sleeping with you" Rachel states.

"I'm not like that, I promise, I don't do any of those things" Xavier says.

Rachel smiles. "Okay good, I have to get to class, we won't see each other until after school but we can meet up and get to know each other?"

"Absolutely, I'll meet you at your locker" Xavier says.

"Sound good, see you later Xavier" says Rachel.

"Nice to meet you, Rachel" Xavier can't help but smile. Am I falling for her? Xavier thinks to himself. Oh man this won't be good.

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