10- when your a writer and your looking for an editor and the editors add so much to it that you can't claim it as yours
9-when the writer has no idea what they are writing about some times it works a lot of times it doesn't
8-when the book ends on a cliff or mid way
7- when the book has a good start and then looks like the writer got lazy I don't mean a tad bit I mean when you can actually see it
6- when the story goes to slow or to fast especially with romance unless the book is literally a romance
5- when the writer is cocky and won't take advice to improve since every one can improve
4-when the story has to much or to little detail there is such a thing as unnecessary detail have enough that pulls a reader in
3- when the story goes off track and I don't mean alittle bit
2-when the story is bumpy and hard to follow ex grammar or to much jumping around from place to place
1-when people don't Reread their works not making the nesscary changes and if you don't know how to edit find some one who dose
10 things
RandomA stort little piece on 10 things that I find annoying in writing or about writers