The Actual Truth

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hey guys dharshaini here... i know many might be waiting for the update... n i am sorry for posting it late... hope u like the update...

Precap: revelation of hatered...

Scene starts with sanskar in the study room...

Sanskar was in a deep thought about what swara told... he still can't accept the truth of whatever she has said...

Sanskar monologue: oh god... till now I can't believe my ears of what swara has said... she is the daughter of shekar n sharmishta gododia, the famous social workers... I am very happy that I have found them... but how will I tell that whatever she saw was not what it is... I have to tell her the truth fast... I can't let her suffer with this pain of pain, love n hatred for me... I have to erase all the pain n hatred for me n rekindle her love for me... I will not let her suffer somemore... swara till now u have not seen my love for u... I will show it to u... (in a determined voice)

Scene shifts to swasan room...

In that room, we can her crying sounds... the screen zooms to the face of the person... it is none other than swara... she is crying inconsolably n is in a horrible state... her eye has turned to blood shot red due to crying... n her whole body is shivering due to crying for so long...

Swara: why sanskar??? Why sanskar??? Do u know how hurt I am... I thought u will different from other gangster... but after seeing u killing my parents, u proved to be the rest... which is only working for money... do u know how much I loved u??? I loved u so much that I can even give my life for u... but after seeing what u did... I only hurting myself more by hating u... no matter how much I insult u, I am the one who gets hurt in the end... I really can't take this pain anymore... I am really sorry Uttara, I can't be with u anymore to protect u... I really can't take this pain anymore... I am tired of fighting already... I feel that death is a better option than living with this unbearable pain which can't be healed... (in crying n broken voice)

Scene shifts to sanskar in the study room...

Sanskar was thinking about the incident which cuz the hatred of swara...

Sanskar: swara, whatever u saw was not the truth... u r really misunderstanding the truth... that dreadful indeed snatch ur parents from u... but I was not the one who killed them...


2 years ago... before the death of shekar n sharmishta gododia...

A fight ensured after the girls were saved by the couple... at that time sanskar entered wwith his men to fight with the goons n ensure the safty of the girls... but some of the goons have captured shekar n sharmishta n wanted to kill them... at that time sanskar saw it n was about to come to their rescue... but to his bad luck one goon attacked him by hitting is head with a metal rod behind his back but some goons holded him... however he was not unconscious yet n he saw that a goon was approaching shekar n sharmishta with a gun... he was struggling with the goons to save shekar n sharmishta but since many goons hold him... they overpowered him... a goon who was standing beside sanskar shoot shekar n sharmishta... which made it look as if sanskar kill them from where swara saw it... that was the time swara reached the place, thus her think that it was sanskar killing her parents... after seeing the scene swara ran away to protect her sister... after swara went away... sanskar get out of the goons grip n killed all of them... he quickly went to shekar n sharmishta...

Sanskar: sir... don't worry nothing will happen to u... (in a worried tone)

Sharmishta: beta, w... we... will not... but pls ...take care... of.... Our... daughters... (in a struggling tone)

I Hate U Sanskar MaheswariWhere stories live. Discover now