Sanskar care

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Hey guys... I know its been very long since I posted... more thean a month since time... but sorry I was busy with my admission process for my degree course... I hope u understand since some of u are students as well... plus my father is using my laptop lately for work purpose so I hardly get to sorry... and I am here to give an update... oh yes... happy holi... I know is a bit late but I am not sure when is holi is celebrated since I am a south-indian and I stay in Singapore... so not sure with it...

Precap: swara self-punisment

After the kali maa dance swara saw all of them infront of her... she looked at sanskar with painful eyes as because of him she lost her parents... she than look at riya and riya understood what she wanted to say... riya turns to the rest and told what swara wanted to say...

Riya: I think it's the best you leave now... (looking at them) she will not come now...

All: what...

Karan: how are we suppose to leave bhabhi here in this state...

Riya: she wants this...

Sanskar: I'm not going home... I am staying here till swara is here...

Riya: trust me... u cant bear it... its best u leave...

Sanskar: no... this is my decision...

Riya saw sanskar being stubborn and decided to talk to him alone...

Riya: sanskar can I talk to u alone...

Sanskar nod his head and the both walk away from the rest...

Sanskar: what u want to talk about...

Riya: I know u want to be here... and I can see love in ur eyes for her... n am sure u are suffering more pain then her seeing her loke this... I really don't know what happen that day when swara parents died... and I don't want to know about it... atleast not now... swara is our priority for now... so for now lets convice others to go home... and I will stay here with swara...

Soon riya and sanskar went back to others... both somehow convice others to leave...

When sanskar came back after sending them till the temple entrance to make him shock and in pain...

Meanwhile back at sanskar mension...

All were back home and were restless and still in shock seeing how swara was punishing herself... all of them do not have strength to see swara like this... no matter what position they hold in their gang... but in the end they are still humens who have feelings...

Eventhough no one have was in the mood to eat or drink... still jeevika with the help of twinkle decided to prepare lunch keeping in mind that no one hads eaten anything from morning... while cooking jeevika was feeling dizzy... but before she could pour a glass of water the glass fell from her hand and she fainted... hearing the noise twinkle turned and saw jeevika fainted... she was extremely scared that she quickly ran out to call out the others...

Twinkle: bhai... bhai... (crying and running towards lounge)

Karan: what happen twinkle... why are u crying and running like this???

Twinkle: bhai... jeevika... Bhabhi... (crying)

viren: what happen to jeevika??? (highly worried and tensed)

Twinkle: kitchen... faint... (crying incoherently)

Listing to this viren blood became dry... but soon he came to senses and dashed towards the kitchen... everyone also follow him behind... what they saw frighten thwm a lot as one side swara was punishing herself and the other jeevika fainting suddenly...

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