Where is Everyone?

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(Len's POV)

It was a few days after he had that relationship like thing with Kaito. He began to notice the vocaloid house was more empty that usual. He walked towards Rin's room. "Hey Rin can I speak to you?" but there was no response. He pushed open the door only to see red stains on her carpet. "This is strange...." he mumbled to himself. He walked away maybe Miku could help him with his problem. No Miku though nor Kaito the rest of the vocaloids and the UTAU's left for the beach. He went up to his room. He decided to fall asleep after all these disappearance's he  never felt more alone.

(Kaito's POV)

He thought more about what happened. The noise Len had made, the way he grabbed onto Kaito. He felt so crazy. Even if they didn't talk to him Kaito wanted them all dead. Luka was next to kill, but Kaito had to stop or his craziness would show. He thought about Len. He began to turn red. Why was this happening? He went down to the kitchen and made some lunch. Len came in and grabbed a banana. "Hey Kaito where were you?" Len asked. "I was in my room drawing." Just then Len turned Kaito around and hugged him. Kaito patted his hand and walked off. By the time he made it back to his room he was pink. Len came up to his room. "Kaito I-I was wondering if you wanted to do something you know, to get out of the house?" "Sure what do you want to do?" "I was thinking a-a movie!" Kaito blushed. Of course he agreed.

(Len's POV)

Len was so alone he did not really care about the... he didn't want to think about it. He thought of Kaito being behind the murder. He laughed quietly. Kaito would never do that. He got ready for the movies he rubbed his neck. Did Kaito like him so much he would kill all of his friends? He was so mad at himself just for thinking that. He knew Kaito liked him but he wouldn't dream of Kaito murdering anyone not even Miki.

(Kaito's POV)

It was about time for the movie and Kaito hugged himself. He longed to be hugging Len but another hug might make him go insane. He went to check up on Len when he saw him chatting with Meiko. He began to laugh. "No no no, no one will take my Len from me..." He continued to laugh. He waited for them to stop talking longing for another kiss.

(No view)

"Ok I'm ready to go Kaito!" Len wore a black T-shirt and green shorts. "Great lets go then." he said as he smiled. So they left to see the movie and the whole time Kaito was so happy while Len still felt a bit down. He missed hanging out with the others but they were no where to be found. Even his own sister was gone. What if she... Nah probably out doing something or watching us. He laughed to himself. While Len drowned himself in his own thoughts Kaito was dying to hold his hand. He tried to tap his fingers on the arm of the chair but it wouldn't work. Of course Len noticed this and tried to make him stop. He reached for Kaito's hand but Kaito pulled away. One touch might make him go even more crazy he would kill Meiko in front of Len. Len could not know he had done this so he got up and left. Len felt like crying so he to got up and left.

(Kaito's POV)

He had to leave Len he needed to kill Meiko and time was running out. Just then he felt someone hug him. It was Len and he was crying. Kaito hugged Len back. "Len I-" but he was cut off by Len kissing him. Kaito was so madly in love. He took Len out to the parking lot so they could go home.

(Len's POV) The movie did not go so well, he thought to himself. I guess Kaito did not like him that much. He went to look for Miku outside. He then saw a burned leek. "No, no no no!" He cried when he saw a burned body in a small pit. Who kept doing this and why. He walked back to the house crying. When he walked in he saw Meiko sitting on the couch watch TV. "Hey Len why are you crying?" His voice was shakey as he said "Miku... is dead." Meiko looked so upset so Len dashed to his room burying his face in his pillow.

Writer here: So I have so good and bad news. The bad new is that I'm going to end this  story in a few chapters. The good news I'm starting a new one. Don't worry it is still Len x Kaito but this time there is no yandere and both are heading off to school.


I Won't Let Anyone Have You .  (Kaito x Len)Where stories live. Discover now