Happy Birthday to Me

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Gemma Pov
I wake up to something that smells really good. I kick of my covers and race down the hall to my family eating choc chip pancakes. I sit down in my spot next to my older brother Gus. Hes really the only one who reliazes im here.
Gus: Happy Birthday Gem.
Gemma: thanks Gussy.
Everyones sitting in their spots and eating Pancakes not even noticing im here till i cough.
Mum: Oh hey Gemma.
Dad: you will have to have cereal honey. Theres no more Eggs. 

**After Breakfast**
im sitting on my couch when I hear a knock on the door. I get up and go and answer it. It was my present for Gemma. I thank the man and call Gemmas name. She comes in upset and i hide my present for her behind my back.
Gemma: Yes Gus.
I hand her the present and which her happy birthday. Automatically she brightens up she hugs me so tight i cant breath.
Gus: Gemma i cant breath
Gemma: Sorry Gus, im just so happy and excited. I cant believe you got me a cat.
Gus: Well believe it. Shes a little black and ginger tortoishell. (A/N picture above). Well gemms what you gonna name her.
Gemma thinks for a while before answering.
Gemma: Kara.

Gator POV
I hear meowing coming from Gemmas room. I raced to find mum and dad. We run to Gemmas room and open it to find a black and ginger tortoishell kitten sitting on her bed.
Gemma is on the verge of tears she know shes in trouble when mum and dad use her full name. The next thing i know Gus and Kyla are standing next to me. When Kyla sees the Cat she automatically starts cooing over it.
Gus: it was a present from me and Kyla.
Mum: Gus Anthony why didnt you tell us it was her birthday.
Next thing i know all my brothers are in Gemmas room and all freak out because we forgot her birthday.

Gemmas POV
Mum: Gus Anthony why didnt you tell us it was her birthday. Next thing i know all my brothers are in my room and freaking out. I shouldve known only Gus, Kyla, Trinity, sophie, and the Twins wouldve remembered my birthday. I guess the song is now Happy birthday to me.

**5 hrs later**
Gus: Mum the girls and i are taking Gemma out to dinner. If you guys wanna come hurry up.
I hear Gus yell down the hall. I come down the stairs to see my older brother and the girls standing in the door way. We stand there for 5 minutes and only my youngest brother Gator comes out. We walk to the car and we hop in Gus and Kyla are in the front because only Gus has a licence and Kylas his girlfriend. I have no idea where we are going for dinner but i know Kyla loves me so she would make sure its somewhere really nice. When we arrive at the restaurant its really nice and Kyla and Gus actually booked it all out for me. We order dinner and wait when it comes out. I take notice of the Waitor, hes the hottest and most popular guy in school. Boston Crone.

A/N: Thats the first official chapter. I know Boston and the Crones are their cousins but in this Story their not

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