Entry #1

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All my life, my father told me we came from outer space when i ask him "why are our ears different from other people? Why is it curved to the outside, not to the inside? Why am i the only one who can move them both ways but it returns to its original placed curved out?" Questions and questions keep pouring out of my mouth but he just keeps repeating the same excuse.

Sometimes i love it when he says that, but other times I just get annoyed, why wouldn't he tell me the truth?
Am i not worthy of hearing it?

(Oh, how naive and foolish I was.)

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Today i woke up early to study for my physics exam.
So, When I was walking through the living room to go check on my younger siblings, I found my father just watching TV which was odd. I thought that maybe my dad watching a TV series and didn't regard it.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that I inherited my pretty amazing ears from my dad!

I actually started to think that we came from outer space but then I remind myself that if I was, I would have known already!
Unless if we have some specific age that we need to find out everything in because I'm sure that 16 is a really young age for them, even though I think like an adult.
Which is not true, but shush! We don't want anyone from real life knowing that!

And I think this is enough for my first journal entry.
I think I'll call it "the weird life of a fake alien"

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