It's Gotta Be You- One Direction Fan Fiction

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It's Gotta Be You

by Scarlett Wilhelm [pen name]




I don't think I’d ever been that excited before in my entire life. That night was the night that One Direction was going to perform in Perth for the first time and I had been waiting for the day since I first heard that One Direction was coming to Australia.

As I got on the bus home from school, all I could think of was the night ahead- my stomach heaved with excitement. What I would give for a hug from one of the boys! As soon as I burst through my front door, preparation for the concert began. I ripped my home phone off the dock and dialed Layla’s number.


“Layla! It’s me! Oh my god, I can’t believe its tonight! Finally tonight- and we get to meet them!” I squealed through the phone.

“I know right Scarlett! I’m already half ready, I can’t leave anything to chance. This is our one chance!”

“I’ve got butterflies! Hold up, I’m just going to add Ellie to the call.”

I put Layla on hold and dialed Ellie’s number. The dial tone, rang through the other end, awaiting Elle to pick up.

“Hello, Ellie speaking?”

“Ellie, it’s Scar and Layla! How excited are you for tonight?!”

“My whole life has lead up to this moment!”

I glanced to the clock on my wall. 4.30? Already?! I had to go and get ready now or I wouldn't finish in time.

“Girls, I’m going to go get ready, you two can run through your plans.”

“Okay, see you tonight!” Layla chirped.

“Have fun!” Ellie chimed in.

I hung up the phone and raced to the bathroom. In the shower all I could think about were all the mistakes I could possibly make when meeting the guys. All the little things I could do wrong. The bad things that could happen outweighed the good. I was in for an interesting night.

After I got out of the shower, I let my loose chocolate brown curls dry naturally so they cascaded down my back to my waist and applied some eyeliner and mascara to my almond shaped eyes. My hazel eyes gleamed with excitement. Thank god mum got me VIP backstage tickets! The price was well worth it.

I rushed into my room and ripped open my closet door. Of course I had already figured out what I was going to wear WEEKS in advance. I pulled out a simple grey dress with a skater skirt and pulled it on along with my standard pair of vans- I wasn't going to risk breaking an ankle and being taken to hospital during the concert now was I? The real attention would be to the jewelry. I pulled out a statement silver necklace that sat neatly on my collarbone. It was beautiful piece made up of silver flowers and completely encrusted with little Swarovski crystals, absolutely gorgeous. And glasses. My geek glasses. Great. I didn't need them per say, but I was a little short sighted, they weren't vital, but I didn't want to risk missing anything up on stage. If I wanted to I could always put them in my purse.

I turned on my iPhone and checked the time. 6.00pm. Crap! The girls would be at mine any minute. I picked up my One Direction V.I.P. lanyard off my desk and strung in around my neck, put my phone, lip-gloss, autography book, pen and cash in my purse hanging by a chain and waited in the lounge room anxiously. What would I say to the boys when I finally met them? Would I stutter? What if I made a complete fool of myself by fangirling in front of them? The possibilities were endless.

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