~ foreword ~

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                            F O R E W O R D

                                   • • • • • •

                      "you're one of us now."

When Elliot stumbles across a town protected by huge steel plates, she thinks it's a dream, a fantasy she's bound to wake up from. She soon comes to realise that the dream she had been waiting for was slowly breaking it's form, cracking her along with it.

Can something that was once broken be fixed again? She doesn't think so.

Then again, two broken pieces can make a whole.
                                        • • •


so this is the start of my new story. Not gonna lie to ya, it's not gonna be the best, even though I'm trying my hardest. Don't give up on me yet, I'm gonna really enjoy writing this :)

The story is going to be an adaption of the show, so obviously it's not gonna completely follow what happens. yes, Elliot may say things other characters would say, yes there will be minor spelling mistakes and yes sometimes sentences may not work together properly because sometimes I fumble them up, I'm sorry in advance. I promise it won't be too bad

Btw I don't own the walking dead characters/scenes/script, I've adapted it to suit my story blah blah I own everything else that isn't from the show including my characters don't use them or I'll cut your eyes out with a scalpel

anyways, continue on I guess :)

broken  // carl grimes Where stories live. Discover now