I forgive them

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They mock me, they laugh at me

Garbage, that's what they see

They never even tried to know me

They use me, they bully me

To them, I was nobody

to them, I was a broken toy

They talk behind my back

They play with my feelings

They fooled me, they threw me around

They never knew me

I hate them

I despise them

I want to forget them

But their memory struggles to remain

I don't want to see them

I don't want to hear them

I don't want to even smell theit stench

I admit, I want to hurt them

I was a freak show to them

But though it is hard to do,

Though it seems ipossible to do so

Though it seems irrational to do so,

My God taught me the right thing

I forgive them

My life as a ChristianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon