Chapter 2

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I looked at the man with a confused look. Had I not said it clearly enough? I mean, yes my father had a weird name, but people usually don't question me when I tell them who my parents are, especially when I'm introducing myself to a bunch of strangers.

"Yes, my father's name is Regulus Black and my mother's name is Emily." I reply.

There was an awkward pause as some of the members looked at me, examining me, while others looked at the man who questioned me. The silence was finally broken when the woman with red hair and motherly figure stood up.

"Well, sweetheart, it's getting very late, and we have several things we need to talk about. There are some tings we're going to hae to explain to you, but it's probably best to do that when you've had a full night's rest. I'll lead you to your room," she said and began to lead me out the room and up a staircase.

"You'll be sharing a room with Ginny, my daughter, and Hermione. I'm sure you'll become fast friends, but for now try to get some rest." She said once we had arrived at the room. Then gave me a hug and continued, "You'll be safe here, dear. We're all going to help you get through this." 

Not completely knowing what she meant, I entered the room and laid down on the empty bed and fell fast asleep.

Sirius's POV

As she left the room, the questions began. They were asking how she had time traveled, how Regulus had lived, if Regulus HAD time traveled, ect. But all I could think about was my last interaction with Regulus, before he had supposedly died.

"Regulus came to me before he died," I spoke up, "He asked me to forgive him for all he ever did to me. Overjoyed, I did. We speant the last day before he died together, reminicing and planning. I had asked him if he would join our side, but he never gave me an answer. He told me he would try, but he couldn't gurantee it. He said that he would probably be gone, soon. He told me he had fallen in love with a muggle. And that she was pregnant. He asked me to be the child's godfather.

"I couldn't believe what was happening at the time, but I, of course, accepted his invitation. The next day, when I discovered Regulus was supposedly dead, I was devastated. I looked everywhere for the muggle and the child, but they were nowhere to be found. I assumed they had died with him. 

"This was one of the things that haunted me while in azkaban. They were some of the many people I believes that I could've saved and not ended up in azkaban in the first place. James, Lily, Regulus, his muggle, and his baby, I thought if only I have saved them, maybe I wouldn't have ended up there. Maybe the war would've ended sooner. Maybe Voldemort wouldn't have come back."

Scar's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and realized, I was not in my room. I sat up and locked eyes with two boys, red hair, twins it seemed, staring at me. Then last night came flooding back to me.

"Who are you?" I asked them.

"Well, as it seems you are sleeping in our sister's bed, you should be telling us who you are." replied the one on the left.

"Yes, and you should also tell us why you slept in until 1 in the afternoon." added on the one of the right, with a grin.

"Weren't you in the meeting last night?" I asked them confused, I had explained it all then.

"No, mum won't let us."

"It's completely rubbish, seeing that we're of legal age as well," they complained.

"Well, if you must know, I'm Scarlette Black. And I'm wondering why two boys are staring at me while I sleep," I replied with a huff, hopping off the bed and marching over to the door to go downstairs.

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