Ninth Stop

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"Jimin? Yoongi's boyfriend?"

"Oh?" Jimin breathed, hand still held by the younger. His eyes wide in surprise, he swallowed thickly before answering. "Yes, I am."

"Ah," the pink lips turned upwards into a cute smile that showed off nice teeth, the two in the front slightly out of proportion. "Hyung has told me so much about you, Jimin-ssi!"

"We've only been dating like a week, though?" Jimin questioned, finally retrieving his hand. His fingers were sticking together from the enthusiastic grip they had been in, a slightly darker red than the ones on his other hand.

Jungkook's smile widened, turning into an amused grin. Taehyung was watching from the side, although he didn't really look like he was following the conversation; more like he was just staring at his boyfriend.
"But he's been talking about you way longer!" The shy boy was definitely gone now, Jimin noted as he watched Jungkook talk with a lot of hand movements.

"He's been going on and on about you ever since getting your call! Of course, there was this other crush of him as well- the one on the subway -, imagine his excitement when he realised you two were one and the same man!"

Burning up, Jimin looked down, giant grin displayed. Going on and on about me? What a cutie.

"Thanks- I guess," Jimin said, "and uh- how do you know Yoongs?"

"Oh my God, Taehyung!" The excited boy failed to whisper, "he calls him Yoongs!" Taehyung nodded, his eyes now fixed on Jimin as well. Jungkook turned back to him.

"He's my bestest friend since I entered highschool! I was so vurnerable for teasing, you know, being a tiny, quiet and lonely freshman, but he stood up for me at some point," the boy had to take a large breath before continuing to talk quickly, making Jimin wonder exactly how long ago his highschool career had ended. As he watched the endearing kid in front of him, he thought it couldn't be that long.
"So after that, I took it we were friends, but hyung just ignored me again after saving me. After trailing after him for some time whenever I could, he kind of caved."

"With caving he actually means," Taehyung took over, and Jimin shifted his gaze, "that he made Yoongi hyung hang out with him until he couldn't deny his cuteness any longer." Jimin's friend finished with a fond grin, directed towards his boyfriend, whose cheeks tinted slightly pink.

Oh. So Tae actually is a top.

But it seemed that he spoke -well, thought- too soon, because something in Jungkook's large eyes shifted and he shifted his position. Jimin couldn't clearly see what he was doing, as he was mostly hidden by the high desk, but he did see Taehyung swallow slowly and with some difficulty. Jimin saw this as his moment to leave.

He cleared his throat, and both men -men, Jungkook definitely didn't look like a kid at that moment- seemed to jump, now locking their eyes on Jimin again. As nice he had felt with them a second ago, as uncomfortable he was now, as the obvious sexual tension weighed down on him. He had nothing to do with this.
"Well Jungkook, it was nice to meet you," Jimin stook out his hand to pat the younger's shoulder -he would have ruffled his hair if only he had said his goodbyes a minute earlier, before the kid turned into a man- and smiled widely. "But I need to get on with working, if I want to get off early."

Jungkook smiled back and nodded, Taehyung whipped his head around. "Get off early?" He asked, and Jimin grinned sheepily.
"Ah yes," he scratched his nape, "I meant to ask you. Can you take over the last hour of my shift? I wanted to leave at 4, so I can get to-"

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