Thirteenth Stop

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A/N: yo, here I am. this chapter I have for you; Namjoon pov, lots and lots and lOTS of (lovesick) internal rambling, only about 1200 words and maybe 20 lines of dialogue. You! Are! Welcome!

"Ow yeah!"





"What the fuck, Tae?"

Ah yes. The glorious sounds of Jimin and Taehyung having a break. Namjoon contemplates rolling his eyes, but then decides it's probably too tiring to do, already worn out from a long morning. Instead, he just sighs internally for a -very- long time, before pushing the door to the break room open. Time to get this over and done with.

But then he gets inside and sees the scene playing in front of him, and his first reaction is to practically jump out of his skin, slap his hands before his eyes and follow Jimin's earlier example of a -ten times louder-

"What the fuck, Taehyung?"

Said redhead, currently halfnaked and covered in some kind of .. substance (Gel? Lube (oh god not again)?), barely jumps at the loud voice coming from his boss.
His boss, who just saw him doing some kind of mating dance covered in something and is now completely traumatised. But Taehyung just heads over to the sink and shrugs, before starting to scrub himself clean.

It's a heavy silence, the one that's draped over them at that moment. There's Taehyung, who's humming in a low voice as he's cleaning, Namjoon, who's still standing in the doorway with his hands over his eyes, and Jimin, who is silently shaking with laughter in his seat, being traumatised himself completely forgotten.

After a minute, Taehyung buttons his shirt and runs a hand over his hair.
"You're good, Joonie hyung," Jimin says, eyes curved up in those adorable cresents.

Namjoon takes off his hands cautiously and opens one eye to check if everything's safe before peeling the other one open aswell. "Do I even want to know?" He asks his two employees and friends, who simultaniously open their mouths.

"Probably no-"
"I was reenacting Kookie and mine's wild-"

"No!" Namjoon yells, stopping the youngest from continuing. "I definitely do not want to know."

"Told ya, hyung~"

Namjoon really hates it when Jimin's right. Normally, he'd set his (too many, according to Seokjin hyung) brain cells to work to come up with at least three remarks to pull Jimin of his too high throne of confidence in the 'being right' matter (damn, that's a mouth-full). But right now, with one of his employee's bare upper half etched in his memory forever, probably, he decides to let it slide. He just grumbles a bit, and scanpers off towards the fridge to get his lunch.

"Jimin," he says when he's finally eating peacefully, Taehyung back behind the desk and Jimin digging into his own lunchbox. Namjoon is surer than sure ("That's not a real sentence, Joon-ah," Seokjin hyung's voice mumbles fondly at the back of his mind) that his own lunchbox is the best out there, easily overtaking Jimin's in the race to the finish and get crowned 'bestest thing you'll ever eat' ("For the amount of smart you are, Joon-ah, your sentences are the best only when thouroughly prepared"). After all, Seokjin hyung made it with all of his love. Moving in with his boyfriend was the smartest move Namjoon ever made (second to the move he made on Seokjin hyung, of course ("What move? You wouldn't even look me straight in the eyes until I almost literally spelled out that I liked you.")).

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