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Payton woke up the next morning and started doing her cleaning. When she finished, she went back to her room.
"Payton!" Her mother called her.
And Payton came running.
"Yes,mother?" I said.
"I'm going shopping. So I won't be home till night the rest of your cleaning before I come home"
She looked down on Payton.
"But mother I cleaned already...and I haven't even had breakfast yet"
"Find some other cleaning to do, and as for the'll just have to wait on that" She said and Payton looked down with a sad face.
"I'm hungry..."Payton said.
"What was that?!" She yelled.
"...nothing" Payton push back her tears.
"That what I thought little brat, now get out of my way" her mother pushed Payton out of the way and walk down stares.
"Yes ma'am" Payton said wiping off a tear that suddenly slipped out of her eye. She went outside and started to sweep the porch, then wipe the house down.
"Hey, Payton!" Payton tighten her grip on the broom as she heard a familiar voice.
"Hello Simon, h-how are you today?" Payton said quietly facing the perfectly dressed Simon. He was wearing a smooth black suit and was next to his father who was wearing a suit to.
"I'm doing good, please meet my father, Dawson." He said.
"Hello Mr. Dawson, it's nice to meet you" Payton smiled.
"Hi,it's nice to meet you. My son here has told me about the accident that happened yesterday. Just how I taught him, to help when someone's in need" he's father started bragging, and it started making Payton laugh, for the first time, which made all of them laugh.
"Thank you! I was very grateful. If it wasn't for you I would have been outside all night and thank you Mr. Dawson, you are an father I wish I had, when I was younger." Payton praised.
"Well thank you dear. Say we're heading the church nearby, I would love for you to join us" Mr. Dawson smiled. Before Payton could say anything, her sister, Emily walked outside and joined the conversation.
"Oh!Payton, I didn't know you had friends. Please introduce us" Emily playfully elbows Payton and the mother comes  joining the conversation too.
"Um...yes, this Simon and his father Mr. Dawson." Payton lowered her head and stepped aside.
"This is my sister Emily and this is my mother Ms. Rose."
"Hello, it's nice to meet you two" Mr. Dawson smile's again.
"Same here. And may I say you two are very well dress for a date, both of you look like gentlemen." Rose flirted.
"Thank you ma'am we were actually headed to the Church nearby... And we we're asking if Payton would come with us...that is if your okay with that?" Mr. Dawson said.
"Oh! What a we where just heading that way too. Weren't we Honey?" Rose said smiling a devilish grin and Emily.
"Um...yes! Yes, we were." Emily agrees.
"You were?" Payton asked confused, not knowing if they were lying.
"Yes we where. Now, come along. I hope you don't mind us walking with you Mr. Dawson?" Rose said
"No I don't mind at all" he said.
Rose started walking Mr. Dawson, flirting much as possible and Emily walked with Simon, Payton stayed back sitting on the porch watching then go.
"Payton are you coming?" Simon said turning around, noticing her not following.
"Yeah Payton come along..." Emily said but her face showed a different story, it said don't you dare get up, so she didn't.
"I would love to come, but I promised my mother I would finish before she can back." Payton said a quick lie.
"I'll catch up to you in a second, Emily." Simon said rushing over to Payton.
", later do you want to go to this place and grab something to eat?" Simon asked, sitting next to her
"....I don't know if I'll be allowed to go....but I really want to" Payton said thinking out loud.
"'s your choice...just next time you see me and you want in, I'll make it happen. I got to go though, just let me know and we can go any time." Simon smiled.
"Okay...I'll let you know" Payton smiled too.
"Alright, see ya later" Simon ran off to catch up to his father.
Leaving Payton off to think, I really want to go mom want let me?
~later that day~
Payton had finished up her chores, her mother and sisters came back home, waving goodbye to Mr. Dawson and Simon.
"Payton! Set the table up!" Rose yelled from the front door.
Payton rushed into the kitchen and started to set the table up.
"Who is coming over tonight?" Payton asked.
"It's none of your business, fart brains-" Emily was cut off.
"Emily get that pretty dress I bought you and wear that tonight" Rose cut Emily off.
"Okay mom!" Emily ran off with excitement.
"That handsome Mr. Dawson and a couple of his friends are coming over, so get about 8 plates out" Rose replied.
"Yes ma' his son Simon coming?" Payton quickly asked.
"No, he has a job,which he might be doing far better then you. Here, take this buy you some candy and stay outside until I tell you to come in" Rose said putting money in Payton's hand, rushing her out the door.
"Thank you Mama" Payton smiled out Rose, stepping out the door.
"W-what did you call me?" Rose said in disbelief.
"I called you Mama, I'm sorry! I'll say ma'am if you want me to" Payton said realizing what she had said.
"No, no. Just....don't say it again." Rose shock off this feeling she had and closed the door in front of Payton.
"Yes ma'am" Payton said quietly and then started walking away from the house, sadly. Minutes later she looked up to see where her legs had token her. Which was to the store she always went to, for buying food and Simon was here, working.
"Hey, Payton!" Simon waved behind the register.
"Hi Simon... I came to get some Candy..." Payton said walking up to the big candy stand in front next to the register.
"Oh, okay...what would you like?" Simon asked.
"Um...I have 40 dollars, so some of everything...haha" Payton laughed for the second time in her life.
"That's going to be a lot of candy" Simon said getting a big bag for her candy. Minutes past and Simon handed Payton the big bag of candy to her.
"Here you go....that'll be 30 dollar's"
"Here you go" Payton handed him the money and he gave her the change.
" last request" Payton said.
"Hmm...what is it?" Simon asked
"That offer...can we still go?" Payton asked Simon with a smile.
"Really?...yes! Yes, yes we can still go...I thought you'll never ask. Stay right here I'll be right back." Simon excitingly jumped to the back. A second later he came back with a big smile and dressed in his normal clothes.
"Come on, I know this great place we could go. We can go be their all night!" Simon yelled.
"All night?"
"I wasn't being joking about that part...haha...don't worry." Simon took his car keys out of his pocket and opened the passenger door for Payton.
"You drive a truck?" Payton said a little shocked.
"Haha...yes, but this is my father's truck, he lets me borrow it for work" Simon rested her tension she held and hopped in. Simon hopped in and started driving to a place by the shore, where you could eat and sit around by the beach. The sun was coming down which made it the best time and a beautiful time to go.
"Let's get a little food then sit on those big rocks next to the shore." Simon said, parking the car in a small drive through.
"Oh, okay" they hopped out of the truck and went up to the place. Which was like a small outside restaurant, by the beach.
"Hello, what can I get you?" A worker asked them as the reached on of the seats.
"Hi, um...can we get your combo meals?" Simon begin to order.
"Yes, what would you like any changes on your burger's?" The waiter asked.
"No that's the fries salty please."
"Yes okay, and what would you like your drinks to be?"
"Sprite and what kind do you want Payton?" Simon asked.
"Um...the same as you" Payton's said, she was starting to get hungrier by the second, she had never had a burger in her life.
"Okie dokie, your order will be here in a little." The waiter walked away.
"Your sister, Emily, is really an interesting girl, she seems much younger then you...and your Mother, she's really a character" Simon begins the conversation.
"Yes, my sister is younger then me, we're actually a year apart...and I think my mom likes your dad-" the waiter came back and sat the food on the table.
"They might become a couple" Payton said and Simon choked a little on his soda, that he started to drink.
"Couple!? No, I don't think so" Simon relied.
"And why not?...they seem like it to me..." Payton said.
"Well if it's one thing for sure my dad wouldn't date anyone..."
"Why not?"
"Because he's a hard working men, he doesn't have time for one...and plus just generally speaking, it just won't work."
"....I don't know if I should be offended or intently disagreeing with you?"
"Hey need for arguments here...let's just head to the rocks over their and maybe switch the conversation..hehe" Simon nervously laughed hoping Payton would agree.
"Yeah, the sun's going down and it looks very pretty... Come on" Payton agrees and follows, with her food in her hands. Simon leaves money on the counter then heads off to the rocks with Payton.
"Tell me more about yourself" Simon starts again.
"What do you want to know?" Payton says stuffing fries in her mouth.
" and everything. Your passion? Your hobbies? The type of flowers you like? That type of stuff..." Simon smiled
"Haha...okay! Um...I like Rose's and...I really don't have any hobbies or passions. But I'm good at cleaning and I can almost design anything, from clothes to furniture, I can do it all. And I've never done this before..." Payton added noticing she was talking to much.
"'s okay. As long as your enjoying yourself. I could show you how it's done if you'll like?" Simon gave her an award winning smile.
"Um...sure" Payton smiled back and begin eating her burger.
"Okay...I love all types of flowers,when I get older I plan to move into the city and become a photographer and writer. It's been a pretty big passion for mine and it's one of my greatest hobbies. I also plan to change my name to Max Dawson, and live in a big house so me and my father can move out of this waste land. Just me and him against the world." Simon finished looking at the sun, which was touching the water.
"...I day, I'll leave too and never look back" Payton begin to looked out to the sun too
" can come with me..." Simon said putting Payton's hand into his and smiling.
"...h-how can I do that?..." Payton could feel her heart pounding and this amazing feeling in her stomach, like butterfly's.
"...there's this train station and this train that comes is called the freedom train. It takes you to every country and city you never thought existed. You live a life you always wanted. You get away out of here, out of anywhere you don't want to be, you just need a ticket and to be a certain age. Simon begin to explain" and I know it sounds like a dream or something, but it is real. I'm going to catch that train and go to New York City, then live my dream. You should come with me."
"How'll you get a ticket?"
"I already have four, that I bought from the train station...what do you say?" Simon said getting the four paper tickets from his pocket. On the paper wrote class sections and a seat number also written in big computer like words said Freedom Train.
"I don't know...." Payton tried to clear her head from the terrible thoughts she had about what her mother and sister would say.
"It's don't have to leave, I won't force you of anything. I mean you have like everything here, a great mother and an amazing sister, something I never had, but I do understand if you want to stay. And I won't force you into nothing you don't want to do." Simon calmly explained to her even though her really wanted her to go. Will Payton could feel the shatter in her heart, she really wanted to go but she was so scared,she never feared this much in her life.
"'s getting pretty dark, let's get you back home..." Simon said pushing back his sadness, as the begin walking to the trash can.
Payton lost her appetite, so she throw hers away to. They hoped into the car and begin to drive off. Minutes past as they sat in the car enjoying each other's silents, as Simon made it to Payton house.
"Payton, we should do this again sometime" Simon smiled nervously.
"Yeah...I would love that...and thank you for this, I really did enjoy myself." Payton smiled back at him.
"I'm happy that your happy...and your wel-" Simon was cut off by Payton softly planting her lips on Simon's. Simon was a little surprised by it, but instantly calmed down and enjoyed it. While the radio was on playing an soft and slow song called losing you to you by hammock.
"Wow" Simon said slowly opening his eye's after Payton parted.
"How?... how'd you learned t-to that?" Simon asked amazed.
"...I-i seen it off a romantic movie.. my mom played a thousand I practice... on a pillow." Payton answered her face red and embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed...the kiss was took my breath away" Simon smiled so big, it looked like his jaw was going to break.
"Hah...thank you...and see ya later" Payton happily went into the house, where she didn't know her mother and sister where waiting for her. Simon made sure she got into the house safely before driving of, feeling like the most happiest and luckiest man alive!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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