Chapter Two

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Spring was beginning to slowly fade away, and autumn was beginning to appear once again. The toll of the now chiller weather was beginning to show in the alps that Angela called home, but it seemed like an eternal spring near her cottage. She always tried to keep the vegetation around her house growing as strong and long as possible, especially as the colder parts of the year came around.

Despite that, the trees that changed colors began to change and loose their leaves around the house. There weren't many of them, but they always had been Angela's favorite for that reason. Most of the time, Angela and Fareeha would spend their time collecting the leaves for potions or to use almost as a decoration in their little home. Fareeha would snap at them and growl whenever they floated down and fell on her head, and Angela would laugh at this and then try to see how many leaves she could balance on the wolf's head before it became too annoyed.

Later on, Angela would celebrate with a nice cup of steaming hot tea and a good book, sometimes a favorite of hers or sometimes something brand new. For some odd reason, she always seemed to become a lot more busier as it grew colder. The outside plants would begin to need more attention so they could survive, more animals and people in need of help appeared at her doorstep, and preparations for the long winter months ahead needed to be taken care of. Her work was usually paid off during the winter since she would get snowed in more often than not, but that didn't mean she shouldn't enjoy the free time she had now.

This year was no exception, despite Fareeha now being in human form.

See, Angela would've changed her back by now. She really had only thought she'd keep her in this form for a few days before deciding to change her back since by then more people would certainly had to of come by her house. Though, the week following the transformation, not a single person even stopped by the house at all. That week soon turned into a month till all the way up to now. Angela just couldn't of stood for that long of a period of countless rambles or just pure silence; it probably would of drove her mad.

Though, it was kind of obvious the familiar liked that form better, probably because she operated better in that one. There had been plenty of times where she had stumbled and fallen onto the floor, into furniture, or into Angela, or jumped up just a little too fast and falling right back onto whatever she had been sitting on or onto Angela. She had received plenty of bruises and scratches from those mishaps, though Angela always tried her best to heal them as soon as she got them. Despite being able to heal them in just a matter of seconds, she wasn't fond of the fact Fareeha was getting hurt because of it, even if they were just minor things.

Though during this time, Angela had began to grow use to having someone around all the time, and frankly she was loving every second of it. She now had someone who would respond to what she said all the time and would chat for hours on end about really anything that came to mind, from simple chats about the day's events to deeper conversations about the use of magic and the good or bad impact it had. The familiar always asked question upon question, her curiosity of the world and all its wonders had seemed to of been rekindled now. It was is if the curiosity that had always flickered in her eyes suddenly could now be fulfilled, and she would not let any second of it slip away. She wanted to soak up all the information she could, and Angela certainly had more than enough to supply her with and was happy to do so, even if it did take her hours of going through an assortment of books or papers to find a correct answer for the familiar.

Their conversations were quick to turn into discussions, lasting sometimes for days on end. Angela almost missed the silence she had from before since she talked so much now with her familiar, but she honestly wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.

Despite her first reaction and thoughts, don't assume the familiar harbored opposite feelings for the situation at hand. If Fareeha was to be honest, she would probably say that she was enjoying it quite thoroughly herself. Her witch seemed to be the happiest she had ever been, now chipper and lively every morning and awaiting what new conversations would hold. A smile would always appear on her face whenever Fareeha spoke, probably because she really did love hearing the familiar's voice that much. Fareeha always took this as a good sign.

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