Chapter Four - Final Chapter

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A heavy sigh came from Angela as she walked back over to the spot she had been choosing as of late. It was the arm of the couch, and it had a perfect view of the clearing in front of the cottage. There was at least a couple of inches of snow on the ground like a perfect white blanket. Usually Angela found this to be rather pretty to look at, but it only alarmed her this time.

The witch hadn't seen Fareeha in a couple of days, at least not since she left Angela's room that night. At the thought of this, Angela couldn't help but frown. The grip on her new mug of tea tightened at the thought of it again. How she wished she could just go back in time and change what she had said... None of this would have ever happened.

Instead of thinking over her many thoughts for probably the twentieth or thirtieth time, she instead forced her gaze and attention back to the window. She looked over every little detail that made up the outside of her cottage, simply hoping that there would be just one change that showed her familiar had been there. This was never like her; there was always some sort of evidence that the wolf had been there that day or night. Whether it was just faint paw prints in the snow or new nose smudges against the window, it was just enough to keep Angela's worries at bay.

Believe her, she had tried to coax the wolf back into the house with everything the familiar liked. She had called her name until her voice was hoarse from doing it so much. Nothing ever proved to be anywhere near successful; none of it had even got the wolf to appear. Trying to track down or chase after Fareeha was a death wish at this time of the year, and if it wasn't the witch would be out searching for her now.

Angela let out another long sigh after checking over everything that was outside. Nothing had changed at all except for probably another centimeter of snow being added to the ground. Any old paw prints from yesterday and the days before were long gone now, which only made Angela's heart sink even more. The sun was beginning to set too, so she could no longer watch for the familiar like she had been doing all day since she noticed. She tried her best not to lose any hope, but the fact there was still no sign of Fareeha was beginning to wear her down.

Angela couldn't help but blame herself for everything that had happened. If only she had just said what she had felt at that exact moment, instead of letting her judgement giving the answer. It wasn't like it was unheard of a witch and familiar in a human form being in love, but it still had many mixed views on the matter. Angela herself had never really dove very deep into the matter, mainly because she never thought it'd happen to her. Really, she had expected to probably be single for all of her life. It more just struck her as a little odd, but so did the entirety of love for one thing. She had never been in love before, so how was she suppose to tell anyway?

Taking another sip of her tea, her gaze fell to the cup she was holding in her hand. Sure, she had read plenty of her mother's old romance novels that she couldn't bring herself to throw out. Though, she had always thought of them as rather cheesy books and not the best depiction. There were novels that she had read with romance entwined within the plot too, but that didn't give the clearest line either. She had also read a few love potion recipes simply out of boredom one evening, but that didn't teach her much either. Suppose there wasn't really a way to define the word or when someone was in love, but surely there were signs to tell it.

Maybe a sign was when she first saw her familiar in her human form. After all, she did instantly think Fareeha was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. Though probably not, since looks weren't everything. Just thinking about this made the blonde's cheeks turn a soft pink, and a small smile appeared on her face.

It could of also been the simple charisma of Fareeha that had captivated her heart. Her eagerness to try new things with plenty of excitement, her curiosity that lead to hour long conversations, her playful teasing, her willingness to help Angela with everyday chores and the like, and the comfort the familiar was happy to give when the witch needed were just some of the many traits Angela loved about Fareeha. It always made her happy to get to wake up to the familiar everyday. It made her days much more interesting, and she no longer felt alone like she use to when nobody came to her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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