XIII. Paranoid in a Pretty Place

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(Sorry, short chapter!)

"November, come over here for a minute. We are trying on some dresses for you, for the ball tonight." Virginia smiled.

"Okay..." November sighed.

Virginia's party had been a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun, but now came the ball.

November already had an ominous feeling that this would be one of the worst days of her life.

Why? Because today five princes were coming to visit the castle. November had to get married to one of these princes.

And why was that bad? She firstly didn't like boys altogether, and secondly desperately wanted to marry her real love, Rebecca.

"Mom, do I really have to marry a prince? You know well that I'm a lesbian." November frowned.

"I know, November, but you have to do as I say." Virginia told her, sympathetically but firmly. "These princes didn't travel thousands of miles to all get rejected because the princess liked girls."


"November." The queen interrupted her. "You will enjoy this ball and find a prince to marry."

"Alright. I'll try my best." November forced a smile, internally wondering how snobby the princes were all going to be.

She then thought about Rebecca, and how her free, outgoing personality would completely contrast those of the princes.

November shivered to herself; even as a princess, who hadn't had a strong desire to go out to the average world for nine years, she still never got used to the posh lifestyle.

She'd still prefer to play 'throw sticks at each other' with her friends in the middle to lower classed world and get dirt all over herself than have her nails done.

And this was why November and Virginia hadn't always exactly been the best of friends. However, now they were good friends and November didn't want to ruin that.

"I can tell you don't want to do this." Virginia frowned. "Maybe Victoria can inspire you."

The queen walked out of the room and sent Victoria in to see November; the princess instantly smiled at the sight of her favourite butler.

"Hello, Vember." Victoria waved, a certain sparkle in her eyes. "Don't worry. I have ANOTHER plan to save your ass."

"How can you possibly do that in a situation like this?" November groaned, taking a seat on a stool.

"Well, it is possible."

"Okay. So it's possible to come up with a plan in a situation in which you are forced to get married to a prince, and if you don't you'll be executed?"

"It was possible to come up with a plan to get your little girlfriend away from execution, the same could apply to you." Victoria grinned.

"Well, whatever your plan is, it beats me. Spit it out." November rested her head on her hand and looked up at her friend.

"I think we can dress Rebecca up as a prince and give her a different name. Then once you're already married to her, declare who she is." Victoria explained.

"Wow... That's actually quite amazing." November smiled. "Did my mother ever tell you how much of a genius you really are?"

"Actually, yes." Victoria laughed. "Now, I'll take care of the plan while you act as if you still have to get married to a prince."

"Thank you, Tori. I really do need to give you something in return."

"I have an idea of what that could be." Victoria agreed, the sparkle in her eyes had returned. "At the wedding, when you confess that the prince is Rebecca, I want you to say something."

"What is that?" November inquired.

"So, since you will be married, and Virginia is fifty-four now, you will probably be queen then." Victoria informed her.

"Right... And what does have to do with what you want me to say?" November asked with a giggle.

"You have control once you're queen. So I want you to say; 'I am adding a point to the list of laws. Discriminate against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans and it's off with your head.'"

"Of course I'll do that, Victoria." November grinned. "Of course I will."

Princess November: One Princess, One Peasant, One Strict QueenWhere stories live. Discover now