XIV. Sky Above, Voice Within

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"You'll find a prince." Virginia promised, smiling down at her daughter.

"Mother, you can't make promises like that. What if I don't? What if I still want to be with Re-" November began.

"Trust me." The Queen smiled. "Victoria gave me some interesting facts. So now I know for certain that you will find a prince."

Virginia had a little happy-mischievous sparkle in her eye, and November began to wonder what exactly she was up to.

"I hope you're up to nothing devious." November chuckled, watching her mother laugh in response.

"Now THAT is a promise I cannot make. But trust me, you will very much enjoy this devious plan."

These words made November all the more curious, but she didn't have a clue what her mother was planning.

So, for the while, she decided to remain quiet until she figured out what Virginia was up to.

Would she really enjoy the devious plan that the Queen was devising?

"Hey, Tori!" November called Victoria into the dressing room, while she was putting on a silver necklace.

"Yes, Vember?" Tori smiled, assisting November in putting on the necklace.

"What is mom planning?" The now 20-year-old November inquired.

"You'll have to wait and see, my friend." Victoria's lips also curled up into a smile. "But I, too, can confirm that you will love it."

'What's with everybody acting so strangely today?' November thought to herself, but shrugged. 'At least I will like it, I suppose.'

November secured her necklace and walked into the ballroom.

She was in for a surprise; the walls had been painted a beautiful deep purple, there were candles and fairy lights drifting among the room.

The tiles were marble and black; a perfect dancefloor. Silver curtains invited Queen Virginia onto the black stage.

"Hello, people of the middle-classed and lower-classed world. This is the biggest crowd we must have seen for decades." Virginia smiled.

The huge party of guests cheered. Everybody was excited for the town's potential new beginning.

Rather than classic balldancing music being played as expected, a newer song with a beat played.

(Just pretend that at the time this has been set in, this song was around😂 it's attached above)

S&M by Rihanna started to play, the guests cheered only more and began to dance.

"I would like to invite my daughter's five princes, potential future husbands, to the stage right now." Virginia grinned excitedly.

November smiled slightly too, hoping Rebecca would be up there.

"Eric Romeo...Theodore Bachelor... Shane The Fourth...Henry Joseph...And Rex The Fifth."

November politely took each of their hands and kissed them, but one of their touches felt familiar.

Rex The Fifth.


"Psst, November, it's me." Rebecca whispered so that the surrounding people couldn't hear.

It really was her.

"Rebecca?!" Novemeber whisper-yelled excitedly, attempting to hide her happiness.

"You bet." 'Rex' smirked that familiar smirk that November had always remembered from her days in the average world.

"Would you like to dance?" November winked at 'Rex', as the 'prince' eagerly nodded.

The two took to the dancefloor and began to dance together.

"How did you pull this off, Becca?" November whispered, being cautious of the fact that people around could possibly hear.

"Victoria." Rebecca brightly grinned. She then lowered her voice. "And you wouldn't expect it, but Virginia too."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me." Rebecca smiled.

"But why would my mother actually agree for me to marry you? I thought she hated lesbians with a passion." November inquired.

"Oh, you'll find out in time." Rebecca gave a devious smirk. "For now, just enjoy the dance."

The two danced around, having a great time. Eventually, 'Rex's escort' appeared behind the 'prince.'

November gasped happily upon realising that the escort was Ken.

"Hey Vember." He brightly grinned, showing his perfect teeth. "Long time, no see."

"You can say that again." November smiled, still dancing. "It's really good to see you, Ken."

"Nice seeing ya too, November." Ken grinned, also beginning to dance. "I have to say, the food here's really good."

"Yeah, it's not bad, huh?" November agreed. "I love how my mother has changed for the better."

"Trust me, so do I." Rebecca sighed. "Now she's not after you just for hanging out with me."

"And me." Ken laughed.

"Yeah." November giggled. "You know, I never expected that my life would finally be this perfect."

"What do you mean by perfect?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, I got to visit the average world, my mother is nice to me now, I have two amazing friends, well, three including Tori, and I get to marry you." November grinned.

"That's my perfect life too." Rebecca smiled, looking into November's happy green eyes.

"Well, I don't want to ruin the moment, I'm gonna go grab some cookies." Ken laughed, bolting away from the scene.

"He really is a strange one, isn't he?" November giggled.

"He really is." Rebecca shook her eas and laughed. "Oh, and November?"


"Answer my question from nine years ago. Was it bad that I kissed you?" Rebecca inquired.

"No... Definitely not." And for the first time in nine years, November put her lips to Rebecca's again.

Princess November: One Princess, One Peasant, One Strict QueenWhere stories live. Discover now