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Oh my gosh. he is so freaking cute. I want to talk to him so bad but I know my brother would kill me. and him. Why does my brother always seem to have the cutest friends? I've never liked any the way that I like him though, what makes him so special? I don't know, but whatever it is, I don't want it to go away.

I finally got the courage to approach him and let him know how I felt. I didn't want to make a fool of myself. Why would he even go for me? He had so many other chicks to choose from. Why ol' plain jane? He needed someone that would make heads turn, make other girls jealous, not some quiet shy never been noticed before girl. Not to mention all of the other girls' bodies match their ages. Except mine. I'm a teen trapped in an eight-year old's body. how embarrassing is that. UGH.

I had to talk myself into it. I had to be mentally ready for this bold move I was about to take. Would it be easier to just write him a letter and sneak it into his locker? Oh gosh, but what if someone else got ahold to it, I would be devastated. I'll just wait until we get off the bus and walk home. Maybe he'll notice me walking alone as usual and joke about me being so quiet and I'll make my move.

the bell rang, bringing my attention to my 7th period teacher giving out instructions for homework. I wasn't thinking about that. I had my mind on other things. How was I going to approach the love of my life? Hey, don't judge me. I'm a sucker for love and I definitely believe in love at first sight, even if you haven't been seen.

I waited until all of the other kids got off the bus before I stood up to get off. they were playing around, cracking jokes, and laughing out loud like they did every day. I guess I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't even notice him calling my name. I felt a hand grab my arm, "Monica?" I was startled. I looked up into those beautiful brown bedroom eyes that I loved so much. "huh?' I said. "what?!" you didn't hear me calling you girl?" he said exposing his pearly white teeth. oh that smile did something to me. It made me feel all mushy on the inside. "Naw, I didn't hear you. What you want?" I said trying desperately to hold back my smile. "why you so damn mean woman. he said with a big smile. I smiled back, I didn't even bother to answer, not that I had a chance to anyway. "What you thinking about. Why you so quiet? You never talk to anybody and on top of that you be mean than a mutha. What's up?" "I talk when talked to. I don't know, I guess I'm just shy is all. and I'm NOT mean so stop saying that" I said knowing damn well I could be a little fire cracker at times. he just gave me this look as we walked in silence the rest of the way home.

I started to walk a little faster crossing the road to get to my side of the street. "Why you walking so fast?" he asked. "I didn't know I was supposed to walk slow. It's not like you're walking me home anyway" "how do you know? I might be" I stopped and turned to him, "the only reason you're coming to my house is to run the streets with my brother" he laughed so hard it knocked him off of his balance. "that is not even cool dude. I actually wanted to come chill with you for a change. Can that happen?" Yes, Yes, YES. Finally, I get the chance to be with him, alone. "ummmm, let me think about it." There wasn't much to think about. I already knew my answer; I was playing hard to get. I didn't want to come off as desperate or anything. We arrived to my house. I reached to open the door but it was still locked, that meant my brother wasn't home yet. I unlocked the door and walked in. I left it open and walked over to the couch and put my backpack down then my purse. I kicked off my shoes and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. After noticing the front door still opened, I peaked around the corner, "Are you going to let all of the air out or you gonna come in?" I asked sarcastically. he looked my way and laughed, "oh my bad. See there you go being mean again" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch and sat across from him.

"You gone offer me something to drink, a brother does get thirsty ya know" I shot an evil look, "you know where the fridge is go get you something" "I am a guest" he said jokingly. "well then guest, drink your spit or help yourself to a drink from the fridge. oh and please warn me if you start to get light headed so I can put you out before you faint. I don't wanna be responsible for any accidents" I smothered my laughter with my hand and wiped away tears. "oh yea. you going to do me like that huh? That's what's up" he laughed as he walked away to the kitchen.

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