The Black Hole

14 1 0

This was started but never finished... but it had was going to have something to do with Time Travel?


Autumn looked down at her baby sister, Augustine. Her birthday was in a few weeks so, soon she would be one. Augustine focused her big green eyes at her sister's, out of the ordinary, grey eyes. Autumn had always loved her little sister, she was a living wonder. Probably because Autumn had grown up 13 years as an only child, and now that she was so old, she assumed the responsibility of caring for her little sister during the long summer days.

Augustine's crib was a light, pretty pink colour. The one normally associated with baby girls. On the top wood plank it had an important scripture to the family, John 3:16. Her family wasn't religious in a way to go to church. They'd prefer to have a private bible study at home with her grandmother, who was an invalid.  

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