Until the Deed is Done

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Kid with powers... blah blah blah... parent get murdered. 

This time I heard it for real. The bang, followed by footsteps up the stairs. The apparition, did not enter my room, but instead the ones across the hall. I couldn't tell if it had entered my sister's room or my parents', but I knew it had to discover me at some point. I climbed out of bed, luckily agile enough to move around without a sound, and just stood there. Not because of the shock of what was happening, what was to happen, or if I'd be caught, but because at that moment, I realised that my bedroom door was wide open. And so was my sister's.

Through the dark, I could see a figure standing there, watching her sleeping body move up and down with each breath under her soft pink comforter. The posters of various boy bands hanging up on her wall for witnesses for what would happen next. But I sure didn't want to be. I ran to the living room and slid under the big brown blanket, only allowing myself to breathe once every thirty seconds so that I'd blend into the couch. Looking back on it, it was stupid and childish, but I do not regret doing it. Because the intruder walked right on passed me. I didn't trust the situation enough to crawl out, so I stayed awake, until I accidentally fell asleep.

I awoke to the sun pounding down on my face. The weekend, Kelly, our nanny should be here soon. I suddenly realised I was on the couch. Then remembered what had happened a few hours ago.

I jumped off of the couch and ran into my mom and dad's room. A wicked stench filled the air. Both of them looked peaceful and smiley, but weren't they both supposed to be at work? I shook them to wake them up, but they just smiled with their eyes closed. I grabbed my mom's arm and pulled. A few seconds later, I was sent flying backward. A slight stream of red ooze started trickling down my mother's side. It took me a second to register that her arm was no longer attached to her body. I screamed. The front door slammed shut and Kelly ran upstairs. I tore off my parents' comforter and screamed again. The intruder last night, had brutally sliced their stomachs open, the sheets were stained red.

I tried to run over to my sister's room, but Kelly caught up to me in the hallway. "What's wrong Sophia?" she asked.

I pointed into my parents' room, she walked in, and I rushed to Elizabeth's room. I removed her comforter to see the same random wounds in her chest. I heard Kelly scream from the next room over.

She was probably gonna blame me, I thought. The boy band posters stared down at me, as if to say "You could've done something! You saw it with her, and you ran and hid! It could've been stopped". I leaned against the wall and sunk down, holding onto my knees.

"Sophia, what happened?" Kelly asked.

I didn't answer. Partly because I didn't feel like it, but mostly because I couldn't. She turned from where she was in the doorway to call the police. Wherever she went to in the house, it was far enough away for me to be unable to hear the call.

The police showed up seemingly hours later. I sat in my room waiting to be questioned. I guessed they thought I'd try to escape, like I'd have anywhere to go.

There was a soft knock at my door. I got up to let the police officer in when I saw it was a kid. "Hi." he shyly said.

"Hi?" I replied.

One of the officers must've brought their kid. I thought. He walked into the room. "I heard you saw someone last night and I have a question for you." he said.

Maybe he's an undercover cop? I thought to myself. "Ok, yeah?" I replied.

His face lit up but then someone yelled, "Tristan!"

He ran out of the room, a police officer took his place. "Sorry about him, take your kid to work day's today and, I happened to be assigned to a more serious case... " she said.

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