It was 8:09pm and tomorrow your ment to meet the doctor at st james park just in time for the lighting of the bonfire. Dont know how thats going to save london but hey i guess you'll find out. you woke up the next day, oh great the 5th of november. you pushed your way through the duvets and blankets and when you emerged from them you walked to the kitchen to get some food. After that your day was pretty uneventful except you heard alot of footsteps running up and down the stairs. finally after what seemed like forever it was time to go for the bonfire, you never usually did but this time you had to. You grabbed your stuff and wrapped up warm and headed out. on your way out you met sherlock again running down the stairs and out the door ignoring you as always and with him was a lady with blonde hair and a red coat on, you couldnt see her much bacause she just ran out the door without noticing you at all, wonder where they're off to in such a hurry. you walked outside and hailed a cab and asked the driver to take you to st james park and he started driving. when you got there you saw the doctor standing outside in the exact same clothes as he wore before.
"do you ever change your clothes?" you asked as you got out the cab and walked up to him.
"hello to you too" he said as he turned around to look at me.
"why is going to see a bonfire saving london" you asked curiously.
"you'll see" i guess you'll find out later than expected. we walked into the park and saw children and adults laughing and eating candy floss and toffee apples even though everyone eats the toffee and leaves the apple. anyway as soon as the bonfire was about to be lit you saw two adults push past us in a rush and started to dismantle the bonfire. as you looked at the people more closely it was your neighbor sherlock and that woman he was with and out from underneath the bonfire was john, sherlocks old flatmate. you'd run into him out in the corridor with sherlock alot.
"its time" the doctor said putting his hand in mine and running with me to just outside where he pulled out a sort of wand with a green light at the tip and it made a buzzing noise.
"what is that?" you asked curious
"its a sonic screwdriver now shush" did he just shush me? rude. as we walked on slightly the doctor stopped and bent down, he then pointed his so called sonic screwdriver at the ground.
"what are you doing?" you whispered.
"trying to find a.....aha!" a hatch opened in the ground and the doctor put his sonic screwdriver in his jacket again and then jumped in with me following behind him. when you landed we had entered a corridor with loads of blue lights that turned red as soon as we had taken one step. the hatch closed, then a voice said:warning intruder in vent 27
before you could say or do anything the doctor took your hand again.
"RUN!!!" he shouted
"RUN WHERE!!" you shouted back
"I DONT KNOW" we ran into a door which opened and there infront of us stood 3 metal men.
"intruder has been found delete! delete!" one of the metal men said in a robotic voice.
"okay run the other way" the doctor said but when we turned round there were more of them.
"okay what do we do know!" you said panicking a little
"uh...... i dont know" the doctor said which got you scared. the metal men marched closer to us and when they were at least 5cm away from us.
"STOP" the doctor shouted, the metal men stopped.
"what are you doing here and what are you planning on doing?" the doctor asked
"confidential" one of the metal men said
"well if you wont tell me take me to your leader" you looked at him
"ive always wanted to say that again" he smiled and the metal men walked us through the corridor and into a big underground area where there was what looked like a massive bomb.
"see told you they were going to blow up london" he smiled and you looked at him with a 'not-the-right-time' look. he stopped smiling.
"alright so this is how it works ive found your hide out now you tell me your plan and i try to stop you savvey" the metal men looked at him then out of the smoke came a black metal man and you could see his brain, you assumed he was the leader.
"we will destroy this planet and continue in conquering the universe" the leader said
"umm doctor i have a question what are they oh and you said they'd destroy london NOT THE ENTIRE PLANET"
"they're cybermen and yes yes i got it wrong but hey blowing up london would've been better" he smiled and you just stood there awkwardly.
"well you know how to stop a bomb right?" the doctor said to me
"no i dont" you said feeling really scared now that the earth was going to be blown up.
"do you?" you said hoping he'd reply with a yes
"nope but i'll figure it out" he smiled and you wished that you hadn't of come with him afterall.
"2 questions doctor 1) how do we get away from these 'cybermen' and 2) how do we stop the bomb" you looked at him as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver from his jacket and fiddle with it.
"question 1" he said as he pointed his sonic screwdriver in the air a turned it on. there was a very high pitched buzzing and cybermen needed time to recover.
"question 2" he said while running over to the massive bomb. the doctor then opened a hatch with his sonic screwdriver where there were two wires a red one and a blue one.
"Okay which one do I cut" the doctor pondered.
"Try the red one" you said pointing at the red wire in the wire box.
"Why the red one?" The doctor looked at me confused.
"Because it's always the red wire in the movies"
"Well we aren't in a movie are we"
"Yea but maybe movies are like that to teach us how to defuse a bomb" we stared at each other for a moment
"Okay but if the planet blows up it's your fault"
"Eh I'm probably going to hell anyway" he stared at me weirdly
" know there is no heaven or hell"
"We have 1:00 minute left just cut the wire already" the doctor took out some scissors from his jacket and cut the wire, the timer stopped counting and turned off.
"Omg it worked" you squeezed and hugged the doctor making him fall over backwards with me on top of him you blush furiously and got up and brushed yourself off.
"Well" you said catching your breath.
" you go home and i'll deal with the remaining cybermen"
"no i want to stay and help more"
"(y/n) go home" he raised his voice
"fine" you said in defeat. he pointed his sonic screwdriver at a blue screen next to me and it teleported me back up to st. james park where the fire was still went home after the hellish evening very tired so as soon as you had opened the door to 221C you changed straight into your pajamas and curled up in your pile of pillows, duvet and blankets as you lay there after about half an hour you started to get the urge again.
do it go on or are you too weak?
"shut up" i whisper to myself.
come on i know you can do it
you get up giving in and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and cut myself a few times. you washed the bloody knife and went back to 'bed' this time yoj actually got some sleep for once thank god.
A/N hey guys sorry this first adventure with the doctor was really boring but i just hadnt really been inspired for a good adventure yet but the next adventures with the doctor will be alot more exciting i promise you so i hope you enjoyed this chapter and will carry on reading this story.
bye 🐰

Unstable Travelling (the 11th doctor x reader)
Fanfictionyour mentally wrecked and your a loner you didn't keep in contact with your parents or your brother or though you often got texts from them but it had been a long time since you actually replied, but on the 10th of november your whole life changed a...