The First One

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What is normal? I ask myself that question everyday. After I saw my first ghost at age 7 I knew right then that things would never be 'normal' in my life.

There I was 7 year old Casey playing High School Musical dance along! ...Yea I know how that sounds. Well, you can't blame me, it was hip back then! Anyway, I was finishing the final dance routine of 'We Are All In This Together' when I felt a cool breeze behind me. I ignored it but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I quickly turn around which was a part of the routine and I stop dead in my tracks.

How? I just saw her? I was just at her 100th birthday party not even a month ago.

There in front of me stood my great grandma Fanny...but it wasn't her. It couldn't have been her. She looked the exact same from when I saw her at her birthday party. But she was whiter, yet see through like the ghosts on TV. Except she wasn't a ghost. My family never called them ghosts, we call them spirits because it is the soul of someone we have lost. But I didn't loose her. She was just there celebrating her birthday with me on her lap and a big pile of fried chicken! So many thoughts went through my head and continued as I got older.

"Why did she still have her walker?"

"Did she suffer?"

"Why was she still wearing her breathing tubes?"

"Was she really dead?"

It was just too much for me to handle so instead of talking to my great grandma, I screamed out of fear and ran upstairs to my mom, never to talk about that experience again. Not to ANYONE.

Except to my best friend Damon of course. Damon and I have been best friends since forever. I don't remember a thing in my life that I haven't told him. We tell each other everything, that's how its always been and how its always going to be....right?

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