Chapter Three.

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The Doctor's P.O.V

River stood right in front of me, holding a gun, that looked like it was pointed at my face. I gasped.

"RIVER!" I covered my face with my hands to avoid the gun. "What on Earth are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing." River frowned slightly, looking around before a man appeared beside her.

"River!" He gasped, panting.  "Where are we?" River shrugged.

"Well, at least I'm not holding a gun!" I snapped. "We're trapped on a planet and being captured by cat people. "

"Trapped on a planet. You're normal than." River replied casually.

"River!?" Zoey grabbed a piece of paper out of her coat and studied it. "Yes...Yes. Dr. Song." She looked up with a smile. "Hello!"

I glared at Zoey. "Thanks."

"Thanks for being so loyal, River." I glared at the man.

"Pardon?" River said innocently. "Andrew's just traveling with me. Or are you the only one allowed to have companions?" She smiled at Zoey before turning back to me. "You could say I'm on a jail break." She flashed me a witty smile.

"What?! Don't tell me you escaped again!" I sighed with exasperation. "And I meant you could have turned up sooner." I gave her a hug anyway.

"Sorry sweetie, traffic was terrible. " River smiled again. "And...not exactly. Let's just say there's a little trouble with the Stormcage." Her eyes flickered to the ground briefly. She swiftly tucked her gun into one black high-heeled boot.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure there was." Zoey laughed softly.

River nodded slightly, seemingly to be relieved. "So what have you gotten yourself into this time?" 

Andrew, who had been standing quietly, finally asked, "Who is this?"

"The Doctor." River replied airily.

"Yes. That's me. The Doctor." I waved at Andrew. "And, by the way, she's my wife." I pointed at River with a smug smile. Zoey took out her paper and began to write things down.

Andrew stared accusingly at River. "You never told me that!"

"Must've slipped my mind..." River said.

"Of course it slipped your mind." I sighed.

"Hey, I'm a busy person!" She winked at Andrew. River stepped forward and held out a beeping device. "Planet Shilx?" She presumed.

"Yup, exactly!" I said. 

River grinned.

"I have a cat?" Amy asked incredulously and randomly, staring at me.

"You had Bagels." I explained.

"So I had bagels...what about the cat? I thought I had a cat!" Amy asked, still confused.

"YOUR CAT WAS NAMED BAGELS!" I was getting frustrated. River smirked while watching us.

"I still don't remember a cat. Much less, one named Bagels." replied Amy, even more confused.

"Never mind!" I growled at Amy.

"Sheesh! No need to be grouchy." Amy rolled her eyes at me.

I glared. "My wife is being chased by evil aliens, and you forget about your favorite cat. Not to mention, we've been captured by cat people. I'm having a very bad day!"

River grinned, but it slowly slid off her face. "What have you done with the TARDIS?"

"It's in the desert." I said to River.

River rolled her eyes. "Remind me to never lend you anything...It'll end up lost or destroyed." Her eyes were drawn to the sky as a ship was flying down slowly towards them. "Yeah, I'd better go now." She began to step back.

"Yes. Please be careful." I sighed. 

The ship was nearing, so River flashed us a smile. "Being careful? Not my specialty. Luckily, after numerous times, I created a TARDIS tracker." 

Zoey grinned and River grinned back at her. She pulled out a device and stared at it. "This took forever to create. I had to skip a kite flying appointment with Charles The Great..."

"Do you always have to make yourself sound so amazing? You make me look dumb!" I sighed.

"That's my specialty." River grinned. I muttered something about the cat people.

River turned, amused. "Cat people. Lovely." She began to head north , and the metallic beeping intensified. 

I rolled my eyes. "I thought you'd left, River." Smiling, River pressed a button. With it's signature wheezing sound, the TARDIS spurred into view. 

She pointed to the ships advancing. "See, those aren't cat people."

I sighed. "No, River. You have your own enemies." River pulled the blaster out of her boot.

She stepped into the TARDIS, it beginning to wheeze and disappear. "Yes. Enemies who want something I have. Sorry sweetie!" And the TARDIS vanished at River stole it.

"NO! RIVER! I'm confused and tired and very...cross! COME BACK!" I yelled, but I knew she was already gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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