Chapter 15

386 10 54

Ya know what!
Y/n=Your name
Y/l=Your last name (I dont really like putting The 'N' on Y/l..


(The next day) (also morning)

Lazari: (What? Your already awake)

-Lazari its time to wake!

I open my eyes hearing someone knocking on my door.

I got up and started rubbing my eyes, I yawn, I open my eyes again and walk to my door standing there.

-Lazari are you awake?

I didn't know who's voice is this, I just open my door and walk out of my room yawning.

-Awwww...No kisses for mommy,then ╥﹏╥

I turned around and saw mommy, She walk over to me and carry me.

-How was you're sleep lazi?..

I Murmured but enough to hear..


I was eating (Your fav cereal)...

-Mom where's Jane?
Sally ask

-I don't know, maybe she's outside...Let me go check..
Mom said and walk outside to find jane..

-Soooo after Breakfast....Whatarewegonnado?.

-Ummm...Feed the dragons and go out on a killing spree.
Sally said..

Wow Ally is being the hyper bish...
I thought and started eating my food again....

(BIG FUCKIN' TIME SKIP!.....Lol  after breakfast)

We walk outside to see jane feeding jenny, and lala playing with other new born dragons, commision is just relaxing and the others were flying around..

-Hey Guys Come And Feed The Dragons!!
Mom yelled.

-OKAY MOMMY!!!!!!!!
Sally said running to lala.

I smiled abit and walk to my dragon, The three behind me,

-Call you're dragons, They'll come to you..
Sally said.

I just ride on commission, And flew off.


-Wow I can't wait to ride my big baby!
I said and called nightmare eye.

A few seconds later she came and ran towards me licking me on my face.

- Awww....I know You miss me...
I said in a baby tone.

She then started licking my face again..

~~Time skip cause Im lazy~~

Cp mansion~~~

No one's:

The mansion was very quiet, No music no shit like yelling and Etc.

Oh wait they were Sleeping 0_0

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