chapter 24: Echo

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Y/n: ( Ahhh!!! Finally its time for you're POV!)

Me and slenderman got a fight one day ago, but he eventually said sorry, and I said sorry back.

And the six still didn't woke up! And I was waiting for them to wake up!

Its been three days and they still didn't woke up!

I just sigh and look at them and sigh (Again) I didn't ate, nor sleep, I just want them to wake up now.

I tear escaped my eyes, I blink them away, I don't want anybody to see me crying, so I wiped it away.

I sigh and rubbed my eyes, then stood up from the chair next to ann, I walk to the basements door, and went upstairs.

The stairs was really long, So it was really tiering.


(Hahahahahah that's what she said!)

I kept on walking.

Then I finally made it, I sigh in relief, and open the door.

When I walk out, I meet an empty room.

There on a killing spree, huh?
I thought and began searching for the kitchen.

I finally found the kitchen.

I when to the fridge and look for something to eat, there was Frozen waffles and pancakes, chesscake, Human kidneys, and A (Fav flavored Ice cream) ice cream.

I took out the ice cream and look at the expired date.

It will expire on February 14 2017 ( For short 2/14/17).

Hey what ya look at that, it was the time when I was born, my birthday....?
I thought and examine it more, I just shrugged.

And walk to the kitchen counter and put the ice cream there.

And I began to look for a spoon, I finally found one, I grab it and grab my ice cream.

I was about to walk out of the room, when a hand suddenly tap my shoulder.

I just jump a little and quickly turned around, I only saw a black tux and a faceless face(?).

-Ahhh..child you finally decided to come out of hiding....?
He said more like a question.

I just started at him, and look down my feet, the ice was slowly melting, it was dripping down my palm.

It seems time was more slower, but I knew in reality it was fast.

I just sigh and look at him in his blank Face.

-When will they wake up?, its been three days!, there still didn't woke up?!.
I yelled at him.

He kinda flinch when I yelled at him...

.... Thee slenderman? the oh so legendary creature flinch when I yelled at him?....its funny really funny...

I smiled a little, and Chuckled.

-You know you flinch when I yelled at you Right? Its funny really funny..
I said and look at him straight in the eyes, even tho he doesn't have one.

He 'Look' at me and 'smiled' if he has one.

-Child...You need to wake up...Now
He said.

I look at him with a questionable look.

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