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Hi. I am tom. I am watching what is happening in this realm and narrating it too you. I am apparently at a school. Uh.. Why exactly am I at a school? The title has the words fifty and shades right next to each other. Anyway, we got a heap of children here, and this script says I have to name them all. Ok. We have Drayton. That kid over there sitting by the other kid in the Wario hoodie, Derek. Oh, and by the other table is Kyle Piestrak. Remember these people, because they will never be mentioned again. The actual story is about this tall faggot and this half weeaboo half emo and half optimist. It is like ethan or some shit like that. (tom gets the names of these people from a guy behind the scenes.) Oh Durand? And this Christina person? I don't care. Those are the only two people in this shitty story.  OK let's cut the shit and get on with it boi.

Fifty Shades Of Ethstinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن