Chapter 2

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-The next morning- (2am)

We were already on the road and is going to go meet Copeland in Arizona with Olive. I was in my Black sleeveless SWS hoodie over my green tank top. My little brother was sleeping in my dad’s bed with him. I was texting Copeland since I was the only one awake, Copeland and I text a lot she’s my best friend, we grew up together along with Olive and Willow. When the bus finally stopped I ran off the bus as I saw Copeland was waiting for me outside. “COPELAND!” I screamed as she turned to look at me, “AH!!! PAYTEN!” she screamed as we ran to one another and hugged. “I missed you.” I said as I pouted. She giggled, “I missed you too bestie.” I smiled as we decided to go shopping for our band family (And family) Once we got inside her phone ran as mine beeped. We got our phone out as we got two carts each. I texted dad back as she was on the phone with hers. I noticed that she was wearing my sleeveless MIW hoodie with a orange tank top on. I giggled at her as she smiled at me then noticed I was wearing her SWS sleeveless hoodie.. we meet up with my dad and Copeland, her dad, Olive and Jessie. I hugged Jessie and Olive as they hugged me back as I looked at dad. “Who’s watching Jace?” “Ricky.” I nodded as we went shopping.  

When we got back Ricky handed my brother who was crying to me as I kissed his cheek as I grabbed his pacifier as I put it in he just spit it back out and started crying again. I rubbed his back as I made a bottle for him. I gave him it as he calmed down, my dad smiled at me kissed my head, “I’m going back to bed, take care of your brother please.” “Always do dad.” He smiled as he went into the bunks the bus started to move again when my phone started to ring. “Yeah?” I asked as I heard Isaac’s laugh. “Thanks for ignoring me at Wal-Mart.” I laughed. “I was with my girls and our family.” With the silence that came I knew he was rolling his eyes. “What are you doing when you get there?” “Hanging out with Copeland, Willow, Olive and babysitting.” I told him, “Well Alex (Danny’s son) and I want to hang with you guys.” I sighed, “I’ll talk to them.” “Alright let me know when we get there.” “Will do.” I said as I rolled my eyes as I hung up. “I swear he acts like a jerk when he wants something.” I just shook my head and picked up Jace who was sleeping again and brought him to dad’s bunk since he doesn’t move around as much as I do. I woke him as he looked at me and got Jace from me. I hugged dad and Kissed Jace’s head. “If I’m not on the bus I’m probably on Copeland’s.” He nodded as he said groggily. “Are we almost there.” I shrugged. “I never know where we are.” He laughed. “I know, alright goodnight hun.” I smiled at my dad as I closed the curtain and went up to the bus driver.

“Are we almost there?” “I’m pulling into the first Venue now.” I smiled as I texted Copeland that I was going to be over in a bit. I got my shoes and clothes into a bag as I grabbed my phone as I got off the bus once it was parked and went over to the Asking Alexandria bus as I knocked on the door. Julie (Isaac’s twin) opened the door she glared at me as I rolled my eyes. “is Isaac here?” “No.” I rolled my eyes as I heard. “Be Nice Julie she never did anything to you.” Julie turned to look at him. “She plays with your heart every time you see one another.” I pointed to myself. “I play with his heart?” I whispered as I shook my head. “look I’ll leave.” I said as I got out my phone and called Copeland. “what?” she asked. “So I was going to ask the Asking Alexandria guys to come over but Julie ruined it.” I said as she laughed. “Alright does that mean your coming over now?” “Yes but I don’t know where your parked.” She started laughing really hard at me. “What?” “Right next to your bus!!” “I didn’t know it’s dark out and I can’t use my phone as a flashlight!” I yelled as she kept laughing as I shook my head. “Be there in 4.” I said as I hung up. I started to walk when I heard Austin Carlile’s son Nick. “Hey Nick.” I said as he smiled. “How are you?” I asked as I hugged him back as we continued to walk. “Fine but I have to get back soon. I heard yelling and I thought it was you and Julie going at it again.”

“Would have been but Isaac interfered.” He nodded as he shook his head. “Well I got to go I’ll see you around.” I waved as I skipped to Copeland’s bus. I knocked on the door as Kellin opened it. He laughed; “You don’t have to knock.” I shrugged as I walked in as I went to the back room. Copeland and Olive where in there as I sat next to Copeland as she looked at me I smiled at her as I put my bag on the floor as I rubbed my face. “What’s wrong.” “Just thinking about what Julie said.” They both looked at me. “What’d she say?” “That I was playing with Isaac’s heart every time we saw one another.” Their jaw dropped as Willow bursted in and sat next to Olive. You see Copeland and I are closer then anyone because we literally grew up together until I had moved. Olive is one of our friends also because we grew up with her, and for Willow we became friends once we spent more then just one day together. “I missed something.” She said as I nodded as Copeland told her. “That’s why every time you think he’s interested he goes off with another girl.” “Exactly.” I said as my phone rang. I jumped to see it was Alex. “Hey Alex.” I said as he laughed. “I scared you didn’t i?” “Shut it what do you want? Apologize for Isaac again or Julie?” He sighed. “Someone has to for them.” “Your nothing like your dad.” He laughed. “I got my dad’s looks and my mom’s personality.” I sighed.

“Look Alex I’m with my friends please just tell them they aren’t forgiven this time…I’m not forgiving them.” I said as I hung up. I wanted to cry every time those to always made me this way. I think they plan this on purpose. I swear they do. I was getting teary eyed when Copeland hugged me. “What’s going on in here?” Katelynne asked as I looked at her. “They did it again didn’t they?” I nodded as she sat next to me. “Katelynne can you tell mom and dad that Willow and I are going over to her bus.” She nodded as they left.


I hate seeing Payten hurt, she’s like my sister we were according to my mom attached at the hip when we where younger. Still to this day I agree with her she’s my best friend and my sister. Olive get’s annoyed when we are around Alex, and Isaac along with Craig, Sasha and Natalia. Craig and Sasha are Sam and Brittney’s kids, Natalia is James and Brandi’s daughter. Cam is expecting his first with his now wife. I looked at Payten as I kissed her cheek; she looked at me with hurt in her eyes. “Mom could Payten and I get a hotel tonight?” She nodded. “I’ll go tell Josh.” Dad said as I nodded.

‘Sorry If you don’t know who I am (Though I think almost all of you do) My name is Copeland Quinn; My parent’s are Kellin and Katelynne. My two older half brothers are Liam and Rowan I miss them to death but I see them when I can. They both moved to Florida for College so I guess I’m excited to see them. I have another brother he’s 3 years old and his name is Preston, and my mom is also pregnant with a girl thank god,  I thought I was going to be the only girl besides mom. I think you guys know a lot about me anyway :3-

Payten grabbed her stuff as I sighed and frowned; I threw some clothes in a bag as we saw her dad come on the bus with her brother. “IF your going to a hotel please take your brother I forgot he hates sleeping in the bunks.” She nodded. “hey Copeland.” I smiled, “Hey Josh.” He laughed. “You can always call me Balz.” I started laughing really hard as Payten shook her head but smiled a little. “can we talk hun.” Her dad asked as she nodded. She left as I sighed, “mom what are we going to do?” She sighed, “Help her ignore them…well except Alex,” I nodded as she came back in after a couple minutes. “What happen?” I asked as she shrugged. “Dad got pissed off and left like he already new so I didn’t talk to him.” I nodded, “Let’s just forget this and watch movies.” She suggested as I nodded. Once mom left she said, “I don’t think Olive likes me much as a friend anymore.” I sighed. “it’s because she thinks you and Isaac play these games with one another and you always lose.” She looked at me with hatered in her eyes. “I know just calm down.” I said as she shook her head. “I thought she was my friend.” She said softly as I put in This Is A Wasteland as we watched the Pierce the Veil guys.

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