Chapter 1: The Unbelievable set

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(Yellow~! In this chapter, its the same in episode 1..but of course, I'd twist some parts and oh yeah, I might skip some parts too...

(0 w 0) Slight changes incoming~!

Kirito's POV...

I really don't know what's going on here.

Why..why would the famous Kayaba Akihiko..the inventor of the NerveGear..the creator of SAO..would.. do this..?

"As YoU cAn SeE, nEwS oF mY wArNiNg AnD tHe NuMeRoUs ViCtImS aRe BeInG sPrEaD wOrLdWiDe.."

As the red robe giant said this, who's named itself as Kayaba Akihiko, showed us the news outside the game. He really wasn't kidding when he said 213 players died and from what he showed us, proved to be true. All the players around me and Klein were dead silent, awe-struck at the results before us.

"ThUs.." he continued, as the pictures and videos he showed-case to us vanish, "It ShOuLd Be SaFe To SaY tHaT tHe DaNgEr Of ReMoVaL aTtEmPtS hAs BeCoMe MiNiMal. I hOpE yOu WilL aLl Be At EaSe AnD fOcUs In CoMpLeTiNg ThE gAmE."

Completing the game..?

"BuT, i'D LiKe YoU aLL tO kEeP tHiS iN mInD. FrOm ThIs PoInT oN, aLL mEtHoDs Of ReViVaL iN tHe GaMe, WiLL nO lOnGeR fUnCtiOn. If YoUr HP HiTs ZeRo, YoUr AvAtAr WiLL pEriSh FoR EtErNiTy AnD aT tHaT mOmEnT, tHe NerveGear WiLL dEsTrOy YoUr BrAiN"

All of us stood there in horror, not letting a word of complaint nor any signs of wanting to fight back. Even for me, I can even feel myself questioning how it was unfair to lose one's life in only a game where you can revive.

But our situation is different, with no way of revival this feels like a life-and-death situation. I can imagine myself being hit by a low-level boar. My shattered body, vanish into existence.

And what will become of me after that? I can't even imagine the results.

..this is..why..why is this happening?!

"ThErE iS oNlY oNe CoNdItIoN yOu MuSt MeEt To Be FrEe:

The Completion of this game"

With a wave of his hands, a hologram of a familiar map came into view.

"YoU aRe All CuRrEnTlY oN tHe FiRsT fLoOr, ThE lOwEr PoInT iN AINCRAD. IF yOu CoNqUeR a FloOr'S dUnGeOn AnD dEfEaT tHe FloOr BoSs, YoU mAy CoNtiNuE uP tO tHe NeXt OnE.

AsSuMiNg YoU mAnAgE tO dEfEaT tHe FiNaL bOsS oN tHe 100th fLoOr, ThE gAmE WiLL bE cOnSiDeReD cLeArEd.."

"Clear all 100 floors.." Klein exclaimed, eyes in disbelief, "how the hell can we do that?! The beta testers couldn't make it anywhere near that high!"

I silently stared at him. Of course, all the players are complaining about that the same.

"AnD lAsTlY," he continued, as if he wasn't listening to our rantings, "I'vE pRePaReD a PrEsEnT fOr All Of YoU iN yOuR iTeM sToRaGeS. TaKe A loOk"

The word 'present' soon made me wonder, even though I have a bunch of questions to ask in mind. But I soon got curious and followed the faceless red-robed man's instructions. With a swish of my hand, white circles are seen in view with icons in each. Clicking one of them, I opened my item storage. When I did, I saw one item titled Mirror.

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