Chapter 20-"I'm Ok"

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            Zayn jumped up and was about to chop Daimon’s head off killing him, when Daimon stuck a fire sword through Louis’ stomach.

            “LOUIS!” I screamed and ran to him.

            “I KILLED HIM!” Zayn cheered as Daimon was dead. “LOUIS!” He shouted once he saw Louis holding his stomach. We all crowded around Louis and I placed his head in my lap.

            “Louis.” I said as tears went down my cheek.

            “Lucy.” He said reaching up and stroking my cheek. “Take care of her lads.” Louis choked out.

            “No, don’t say that saw that.” I cried out.

            “I.Love.You.Lucy.” Louis whispered and closed his eyes.

            “NO LOUIS! LIAM HEAL HIM!” I said looking at Liam. He had tears pouring out of his eyes.

            “I’m sorry Lucy… He’s already gone. I can’t bring back the dead. I can only heal.” He said.

            “No.” I said and placed my forehead on Louis’, which was already cold. “Please don’t leave me… I love you.” I said and kissed Louis’ dead lips.

Lucy’s POV:

            I kissed Louis repetitively as tears went down my cheeks. I clutched his shirt in my fist and more tears fell down. “Please don’t leave me… I love you. I need you Louis.” I sniffed. All the boys were crying around me.

            “Lads look!” Niall exclaimed.

             I watched in amazement as I saw Louis’ chest to slowly rise and fall. His skin began to get color back. He started breathing and his eyes slowly fluttered open. A small smile crept onto his lips. “Am I still dead?” He asked weakly.

            “Louis!” I said hugging him and he sat up a little. “I thought I lost you.” I said into his neck.

            “You did for a short time.” He said.

            “What happened? How are you still alive?” Harry said sitting down next to me with a huge smile on his face.

            “I saw my sister and mother for a short moment. They both hugged me tightly. Then, Lucy kissed me. Because she’s my princess and my heart wasn’t penetrated, I had the option to come back. I was so happy to see my family again I was questioning whether I should or not. But…” Louis looked at me and smiled. “I knew Lucy was in pain, and may of killed herself if I would of stayed dead, and she needed me… So I came back… And my mother told me I should come back.”


            “You need to go back Louis” My mother said. “She needs you.”

            “What about you two?” I said holding my baby sister.

            My mother shook her head and smiled. “We’ll be fine darling. Lucy needs you.”

            I sighed and nodded. “Ok, I love both of you. Goodbye.” I said putting my sister down.

            “Goodbye love, we’re watching over you.”

~End of flashback~     

            “I bet they were happy to see you.” I said smiling.

            He nodded. “They were, I was happy to see them, but I’m glad I’m back.” He said smiling. “Now, can we go home?” He said.

            “Of course love.” I said helping Louis.

            Louis shook his head. “I’m too weak to get up and walk on my own right now. Harry do you mind if I ride on your back?” Louis said. Harry answered by changing into a wolf and letting Louis climb on his back.

            “He’s going to have to rest for a while.” Liam said as he excited Louis’ room.

            “Ok, is he asleep?” I asked.

            Liam shook his head. “No, he’s awake, but tired.” He said.

            I nodded. Liam stepped aside and I walked into Louis’ room. He was lying in his bed with a bandage around his bare torso. All he wore was his Jeans that had spots of his blood on them. “Hey Lou.” I said sitting down next to him on his bed.

            He started to sit up a little, but then stopped. “Ow, Hey Luce.”

            “It hurts doesn’t it?” I said more of a statement than a question.

            “Yea.” I helped him sit up. “How do you feel?” He asked. “Are you hurt?”

            I giggled. “It amazing how you manage to worry about me when you’re in pain.” I giggled again. I gave him a sweet quick kiss. “But I’m fi-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence when I rushed to the bathroom.

Louis’ POV:

            “But I’m fi-“Lucy didn’t even finish when she rushed out of the room.

            “Lucy?” I asked even though she couldn’t hear me.

            “Why is Lucy throwing up in the bathroom?” Harry asked as all the boys walked in my room.

            “I don’t know?” I said. “Lads, help me up.” I said.

            “No, you need to rest.” Liam said.

            “Help me up.” I said sternly sitting up and placing my feet on the floor. Zayn and Niall helped me up and to the of the bathroom door. I knocked on the door. “Lucy, unlock the door love.” I said.

            “No, Louis go rest. You don’t need to see this.”

            “Lucy.” I said sternly. I heard her sigh and the toilet flushed. Lucy appeared in the doorway. “Are you ok?” I asked.

            Lucy shrugged. “I’m sure I just ate something bad.” She said.

            Lucy has been throwing up every morning for the past three days and I was starting to get worried. I was sitting on the recliner in the living room with the rest of the lads. I still had the bandage around my torso, but I wasn’t in that much pain anymore.

            “Lucy’s throwing up again.” Zayn said coming into the room.

            “What?” I said starting to get up.

            “I’m fine. Sit back down.” Lucy said placing her hand on my should, kind of pushing it so I would sit back down. “But… Louis… I think, I think I’m pregnant.” She said.

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