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21. Can you run 850 feet per second? If not, your head better be bulletproof!

22. Why does everyone like the good guys? James can hunt me down anyday! ;)

23. I called my boyfriend the wrong name. Now he thinks I'm cheating on him with some guy named Edward....

24. Isle Esme: Home of the free flying feathers

25. My boyfriend has my heart... but Edward can have my neck

26. Team Jacob, cuz we like em fluffy

27. Dear Jacob,

             I win.

             Sincerely, Edward

28. The person who ruined Midnight Sun needs to have the Volturi sent to their house. Along with the wives.

29. When life gives me lemons, I throw em back and demand Edward/Jacob/whoever the hell you want from twilight

30. Breaking Dawn: I'll never look at my pillows the same way again

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