November 6, 2012

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Dear nobody,

      I haven't talked to Louis this week at all because Sam and Jake. They basically took him from me. Who know if Louis still invited me to the party? I mean I don't blame him for not taking to me, Jake is honestly one to persuade people to follow him and even fall for him. I have a little hope today that Louis will come to see me today but everything I wish for never comes true. So I'm gonna cross my heart and hope for the best. Wish me luck? There's obviously no one here to wish me luck because I have no one...



I updated a little more than I expected haha. Just in the typing mood. I'm also starting a new fanfiction called Delilah. It's supposed to be a Thatsojack fanfiction but it's nothing like Jack's personality so in a way it could be a fanfiction but also a regular story. But here's the description:

Delilah is your average college girl; Very studious. Jack is an angry fool, who hates anyone outside his circle of friends. Delilah meets Jenn, and they instantly become best friends. When Delilah is at one of Jenn's parties, she runs into Jack. From that moment, her whole life turns upside down.

Other then that I'm gonna go! (Hehe Connor) credit to Sarah for editing most of this. Comment/like/share do whatever I don't care just please don't copy it because I've worked hard on this story and actually like it !:]

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