Chapter 7: Introductions

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Days, weeks, months pass by. About 3 months to be exact. That's how long it took me to master my magic. I mastered every spell that Twilight had given me. I arrived on August, 15th and today is October, 10th, one day away from my birthday (also in real life). It's been 57 days and 56 nights. I exchanged 171 complements with Twilight. That's about 3 compliments each day. It's been fun, but when I said that tomorrow was my birthday... Twilight freaked out.

"Tomorrow's your birthday!?" She exclaimed. "W-What are we going to do! I mean it's so out of the blue..." She kept going and going until I cut her off.

"Just ask Pinkie." I told her, but as soon as the words left my mouth I immediately regretted it.

"How do you know Pinkie?" She said add she looked me directly in my eyes.

My ears fell back as I struggled to get out "I-I uh."

"Twilight!!!" I herd a group of ponies yell behind me and Twilight's attention was dream to the voices.

"Huh?" She looked past me then got tackled by 5 other ponies and a baby Dragon.

"We missed ya so much Twilight!"

"Have you been practicing on you reaching skills for me?"

"Why did you leave me at the library!?"

"Your mane is a mess"

"I-I'm just happy your safe"


It was hard for me to hear what they ask were saying since they were all talking at once, but I was able to make it out.

"Who's that?" They all asked.

"Oh, this is my friend. Blueberry Splash." She told them.

"Hi" I said.

"Ishenewbecauseidontrecognizehimatall" *gasp* "ishemorethanyourfriendmaybeheis yourspecialsomepony!" The pink maned and pink coated pony said in a run on sentence.

"Is he?" They all asked. We both blushed at the thought.

"N-No not at all. He/she is just a friend" we said at the same time.

"So then you don't mind if I took a looksie at him. Do you Twilight?" The purple maned and white coated pony asked.

Still blushing Twilight just shook her head.

The pony started to look at me up and down, left and right. "Hmmmm..." She began to walk around me, touching my mane and tail. "He is quite dashing." I blushed. She walked back to the others to stand next to the baby Dragon who gave me the death stare.

"Th-Thank you." I said.

All of a sudden I saw a flashback.

*In the seventh grade. I was having lunch with my ex-girlfriend*

I just got lunch and say down next to my girlfriend. I had my hair combed and was wearing a nice outfit. I was wearing dark blue jeans with a button up shirt.

"Wow Chris you look so dashing!" She commented with her sweet smile.

*flashback over*

I saw everypony staring at me as I felt a trickle of water fall down my face. I was crying.

"Are you OK Sugarcube?" Asked the blonde maned and orange coated pony.

"I-I. I'm sorry." I ran down the hall and into my current room.

"Berry wait!!!" I heard Twilight yell to me before I closed my door.

I climbed into my bed and shoved my face into the pillow crying my eyes out for I don't know how long. I eventually fell asleep. [End]

A/N: I tried to make this chapter longer I hope that you all liked this chapter too. Also just a heads up today's Halloween. BOO!!! *evil laughter* happy Halloween. Another thing, I hope that everyone will stick with me on this story I'm going to make this story as long as possible. Love you guys! Thanks ~Delphoxthechao

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