"Oh my fucking god."

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"Wow you really went all out didn't you Louis?"

"Oh shut it Niall at least it's something, you're just superman."

"Hey at least I have a costume, you just painted your face like someone from kiss."

"Yeah well-"

*getting interrupted by some guy at the Halloween party whistling loudly and yelling at someone to dance with him*

"Like I was saying-"

*gets interrupted once again by niall this time*

"Um actually mate you might want to turn around."

*so louis does turn around and his blood boils at the sight in front of him, his princess with some guy trying to grind on him, he quickly rushes over to the small scene*

"Oh my fucking God."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"


"You're no one to me that's who, now get the hell away from my boyfriend you losar."

"Hey me and this princess were having a good-"

*louis punches the guy square in the face, grabs his princesses hand and walks up the stairs into their room*

"Daddy I'm so sorry I didn't know that-"

*louis kisses him hard, but passionate, pulls away, rest their foreheads together*

"It's okay baby boy, it's not your fault and it never will be. You can wear as little clothes as you want and it will still never be your fault. Yes I get jealous and tell you to change sometimes, but it's not, because I think that you are some kind of slut. It's, because I don't trust other people in this world and I don't want anything bad happening to you. You're too precious and kind to this word for anything bad to ever happen to you."


"And no I'm not saying that I only keep you around for your body. I love you for you. Hell I could live happily ever after if you never wanted to have sex as long as it means that I have you. As long as I have you and only you I will be the happiest person alive."

"Daddy I love you so much. I'm in love with you. Love. That's all I need from you and nothing more. Thank you so much for always looking out for me. For protecting me. For loving me."

"God I love you so much princess. Now why don't we go back down so you can show everyone your great miley cyrus costume. And don't worry if anyone dares to even look at you the wrong way they'll end up the same way that other guy did."

"I was think that...maybe...we could do something else?"

"Baby I don't want you to think that I only want you for your body that's why I-"

"No Daddy. It's not sex. It's love, I want you to love me, I don't want you to just fuck me. I-I want it to be slow and sweet love, if...you want to."

"Anything for you. It will be nothing but love. Slow and sweet love, just like you want it. I want it too. I'm going to love you in another way princess."

"Thank you Daddy."

"No princess, you never need to thank me, especially for something like this. I want this just as much as you do."

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you princess. I'm going to lay you on the bed okay."

*they loved each other that night, nothing less nothing more, they loved each other so they loved together*

*they loved each other that night, nothing less nothing more, they loved each other so they loved together*

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I'm emotional right now lol

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I'm emotional right now lol.

I have little me by little mix on repeat right now.

How was everyone's Halloween go though?

I hated passing out candy cause mist of the kids were rude. Some we're nice though. It was the younger ones that were nice.

I want kids when I'm older,  like three.

I tend to ramble a lot sorry lol.

Later lovely people!

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