Chapter 12

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**A/N: Because it is Halloween here in the US I am posting chapters 12 and 13 today as a little treat, NO TRICKS HERE FOLKS! :D  Is Halloween all over the world or just the US? I honestly don't even know....**

**A/N: Hey, make sure you refresh your library before reading this chapter because I made some changes in it.**


Sebastian glares at me before he snaps his head to Doctor Welles who digs in one of the metal cupboards. Doctor Welles pulls out many things and Sebastian watches him with weary eyes.

Why did he snap at me? I didn't like him snapping at me, and I especially don't like him glaring every time he meets my eye. What happened at the party he was having? His mood just totally flipped a 180 on me. Could it be the pain he is in? Or was the party that bad?

Oh who am I kidding? He fucking bruised his tailbone and got glass in his hands, of course the party was terrible. And I'm sure the pain on top of the party incident is just unbearable for him. I'm not mad at him for snapping at me, just shocked because I have only seen him get upset over his family, especially Makayla.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Sebastian hiss through his teeth. Doctor Welles has an odd device wrapped around his head and I'm pretty sure they are magnifying glasses. He currently dips Sebastian's hands into a bucket to clean all the blood off of them.

Sebastian hisses through his teeth again and I have to bite my tongue as to not tell Doctor Welles to just stop. I know Doctor Welles is not trying to hurt Sebastian, but my wolf and I can hear Sebastian's rapidly beating heart and him hissing through his teeth. He is in pain and we hate it. We want to take all of his pain away.

Sebastian clamps his eyes shut as Doctor Welles pulls his hands out of the plastic bucket and dabs at them with a paper towel. His eyes slowly opening again to watch Doctor Welles sit on a metal chair and flip the magnifying part down on the headband device wrapped around his head, then flip on a switch on the side of the device. A light shines from somewhere on the headband and Sebastian clamps his eyes shut as he is suddenly blinded.

"Sorry about that, Sebastian, probably should have warned you about the light," Doctor Welles quickly apologizes to my mate.

Sebastian blinks his eyes open a few seconds later only to wrinkle his nose adorably as he watches Doctor Welles pull out tweezers. I smile at how adorable he looks even with the blood smeared on his face. Wait. There is still blood on his face.

I move to the cupboards and start to open them until Doctor Welles pipes up. "What cha' lookin' for, kid?" I look over my shoulder to find Doctor Welles hunched over Sebastian's hands with Sebastian watching me curiously. Well, as long as Sebastian is no longer glaring at me and is distracted from what Doctor Welles is doing I'm perfectly fine with him watching me.

"I'm looking for a towel," I respond as I smile at Sebastian who unfortunately doesn't return the smile. He must still be upset about me asking about what happened. I just really want to know what happened so I can make sure it doesn't happen again. I need to make sure his house is safe for him to go back to, even if he said he did it himself.

"Look under the sink, there should be a basket with them," Doctor Welles says without even looking up. Huh, he doesn't even care why I want a towel. Oh well, it's just to clean up Sebastian a little.

I move to the right and open the cupboard under the sink to indeed find a bin with fresh white towels folded neatly inside. I dig through them until I find one that isn't that big and looks more like a hand towel than anything else. Then I close up the cupboard door and run warm water on the towel before moving back to Sebastian and Doctor Welles.

Sebastian (BoyXBoy, Werewolf)(Book 2) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now