Chapter 1

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They lined all seventeen of us up and made us get on our knees. Today was the execution and five unlucky teens would be taken through The Gate towards their eventual demise. No one has ever come back after being picked and rumors spread about what happens beyond The Gate. "They test out new poisons on the strongest ones."
"No no they just lock you in a room in the dark just to see how you respond."
"Actually they put two of the Sacrifices in a arena with nothing more than the skin on their back to fight with!" No one knows for sure what goes on, but we all assume the worst. Every year on the ninth of June five scientists and five body guards open The Gate to choose their new victims and today is that day. Body guard one walks over to the first teen. A young boy barely past thirteen. He's dressed in rags even though you're supposed to wear your very best today. His parents most likely made him look horrible in hopes that he would be spared. Their last mistake.
"Where are this boy's parents?" The guard said loudly towards the large crowd that had gathered. The crowd shifted, everyone was searching for the unlucky couple.
"H-here sir..." Muttered a woman as she and her husband stepped out of the crowd. Holding each other and both already in tears, they stepped up onto the platform.
"On your knees please" guard one said soothingly. They kneeled next to their son.
"Now who's idea was it to dress like this?" The guard grinned. "You have till the count of three to confess. One."
The woman started sobbing uncontrollably.
The man and woman were both staring at the ground in tears and the son started shaking.
The son stood up and yelled. "It was me you asshole! What do you want?"
The guard stepped over to him and smiled. "This is cute, but you know what boy? I don't like being lied to." The guard shoved the boy to the floor. "Who do you love more boy? Your mom or dad? You can only keep one."
The boy's eyes widened and he began to cry.
"N-no no I can't" he cried.
"Then I'll choose for you" then guard one unlatched the pistol on his side and aimed it at the boy's mom. A gunshot and she crumpled to the floor, with a slight move of the hand he aimed at the father and let off another shot, finally he aimed it at the boy.
"You should have picked bud." A final gunshot and everyone went silent. Body guard two, three, and four each grabbed a body and dragged them through the gate. The only thing left to remember the family by was three red splashes of color on the milky white platform. After that things moved quickly. Everyone kept their head down and did as they were told. A older blonde girl was picked by guard one, a male red head was taken by guard two, the boy next to me was chosen by guard three, and then the fourth guard looked at me.
"How old are you?" He said.
"Seventeen sir," I muttered.
"Hmm seventeen you say?" He took big slow steps around me, circling like a shark that had found its prey. The guard kicked me to the ground and whispered,
"You're the lucky boy." My parents screamed as I was lifted up and dragged through The Gate. The guard tossed me against the concrete wall and turned to tell the Gatekeeper something.
"Close the gate he is the final one." The massive doors slowly slid towards each other. My family screamed and cried for me, but The Gate was unsympathetic to their pleas.

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