The Good Ending

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My thoughts were disturbed with a click of a gun. "Well Hanzo... what's your choice?" A glint in McCree's eyes made my vision and thoughts become cloudy. 'I know what to do... I know my option now...'


*(Y/N)'s POV*

My head started to hurt as the bracelet glowed bright gold. The hunter released me as he covered his eyes. Hanzo growled before jumped infront of me and into a battle stance towards the hunter. "I choose none of the above. I will not die nor will I let (Y/N) die by your hands! You are not my master anymore McCree and you never be my master!" Hanzo barked at the hunter who only chuckled darkly. "So... you choose to be this way then? You kill me and live happily ever after with the girl? Foolish mutt..." the hunter hissed before he whistled. Demons started to surround us in all directions, making my heart race in fear. 'Is this the end? Am I going to die like this? After all that has happened?' 'No (Y/N), this is not the end. Just stay beside me and we'll make it out alive.' Hanzos voice echoed inside my head as the demons closed in on us.

The hunter smirked before turning around, leaving us with the creatures. Hanzo growled and snapped at any of the demons that got close to us. He glanced at me with sorrowful eyes. '(Y/N), I need you to listen to me and listen closely. I'm going to distract these monsters while you escape. Whatever you here, don't turn around... keep running no matter what. Once I'm finished with these creatures, I'll chase that bastard down and end him.' 'But Hanzo, where would I go? I don't know where to hide.' 'Just head back to the cabin. Lock all the doors and windows until I come back...' Hanzo slashed at demon that got to close to us, injuring badly. I look at Hanzo in fear as he nodded his head. 'Go, NOW!' With that, Hanzo started to attack the foul creatures as I ran for my life. I come feel the demons coming after me as I raced through the mines.

Reaching the entrance I tried to catch my breath only to be slammed to the ground, not being able to breath. The hunter was on top of me with a glare. "Out of all people, why does Hanzo always choose you? At first, he was always looking up to me and loved me! Been when Genji found you, Hanzo became obessed with you! I'm sick and tired of this little game, JUST DIE ALREADY!" The hunter snarled at me as he wrapped his hands around my neck. I tried to stop him, but the hunter was to strong. My vision filled with black spots as I choked. 'Hanzo... please... help me...' I couldn't think anymore as my mind shut off and my surroundings disappeared into a black void.

*Author's POV*

Hours had past and rain had poured from the skies. The hunter had escaped death by the wolf and the girl was left to die. The hunter had thought he ended her life and fled before the wolf had arrived. Blood covered the wolf as he changed back into a man. Tears flowed down his face as the man landed on his knees, infront of the poor girl. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for all this has happened to you... I should've never let Genji see you ago or let him get close to you... it has onky caused death and pain for us both..." Hanzo cried as he gently held the girl close to him. "I love you to much to see you go... I loved you ever since I first met you... (Y/N), please... don't leave me, you're the onky family I have left..." His breathing became heavy as Hanzo shut his eyes tightly.

'I should've treated you better... I should've just let you go... I'm a monster... and I hate myself for what I've done...' 'Don't... say that Hanzo... you were... never a monster to... me' (Y/N)'s faint voice was heard as Hanzo's eyes shot open and looked at the girl. "(Y/N), yo-you're ali-alive!" 'I am... but I can't open my eyes... nor can I speak... I think my voice is gone Hanzo... I think when the hunter was choking me, he crashed my voice box...' "It's go-going to be o-okay (Y/N). W-We just need t-to get you to a hos-hospital." Hanzo shutter as he picked up (Y/N) gently. She smiling softly at him with her eyes still closed. 'Hanzo... is it true you love me?' Her words made Hanzi stop in his tracks as his eyes widen. Looking down at her Hanzo hesitated. 'I... I do... it's true that I do love you (Y/N)...' 'I love you too... Hanzo... even after all that's happened... I wish for moment to last forever... with you.'

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